Resource Mobilization

Building the Resilience of Pastoralists

The number of pastoralists around the world is estimated to be between 200 and 500 million. Pastoralism provides a major boost to agriculture by providing manure, livestock, labour and knowledge. International organizations have increasingly shown interest in and support to pastoralists, yet, at national level, pastoralist policies remain rare. With their unique cultural particularities – nomadic life, transnational status and mobility – pastoralists have often been marginalized and overshadowed by more dominant groups, such as small crop farmers. The enhanced knowledge base on their breeds, feeds, land management and early warning was expected to contribute to enhancing their livelihood options and strategies.

What did the project do

The project directly supported pastoralist associations, organizations and networks. The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub worked to raise awareness on pastoral issues among politicians, researchers and extension workers, and to create linkages beyond the development agencies. Pastoralist networks were involved in the elaboration of policy legislation and programmes in a number of countries, as well as in regional and national policy implementation. A roadmap by region was developed in order to reinforce the following areas: advocacy, organizational strengthening, research, education and training and outreach and awareness.


The partnerships established with international organizations ensure follow-up for the activities undertaken. The pastoralist issue has become part of the Committee on World Food Security. In addition, the establishment of policies and a legal framework is highly positive for the future. The project’s achievements are expected to contribute to the eradication of hunger, and the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change by improving pastoralists’ livelihoods.


  • 21 pastoralist policies and regulations developed around the world. Five in Europe (Denmark, Albania, Hungary, Liechtenstein and Macedonia), four in Russia, one in Kazakhstan, three in the Americas (Barbados, Canada and Chile) and three in Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya and the Niger).
  • Seven regional workshops held by pastoralist organizations around the world – in Western and Central Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, Latin America, Eastern and Southern Africa, North Africa and Western Asia and Europe.
  • Some 362 people from 64 different countries participated in the regional workshops held in 2015 and 2016.
  • Eight community dialogues were held in Central Asia, South Asia and Latin America, attracting over 240 participants.
  • 29 international partners joined the Hub.
  • Pastoralist organizations participated in at least 22 global policy dialogues during the project, including two editions of the Committee on Food Security.
Project symbol: GCP/GLO/536/GER
Project title: Pastoralist Knowledge Hub PART 1: Support to pastoralists in advocacy and policy matters
Contact: Badi Besbes (Budget Holder)