Resource Mobilization

Restoring Food Security to Flood-Affected Families in Sierra Leone

After heavy and above-average rains fell in September 2015 in the Southern Province and Western Area, an estimated 22 000 people were affected and thousands of hectares of land were destroyed. The worst of the damage occurred in Bo, Bonthe and Pujehun districts. Because many households in Sierra Leone depend on agriculture for their food and income, the loss of crops and seeds devastated the food and nutrition security of farmers in these areas, who were already at the peak of the lean season. This project was implemented to immediately improve household food security while allowing farmers to restart agricultural production during the main growing season. 

What did the project do

Critical agricultural inputs (seed rice, vegetable seeds, fertilizers and simple hand tools) were provided to 1 781 flood-affected households in Bo, Bonthe and Pujehun districts to restart agricultural production activities. This distribution was supplemented by capacity building in food-crop production. Resilience building and disaster risk management (DRM) training improved the capacities of communities to deal with future disasters, built resilience and strengthened preparedness for agricultural risk mitigation. A DRM contingency plan was also developed, and the capacities of the newly established district disaster management committees (DDMCs) were enhanced.


After inputs were supplied to the flood-affected households and technical assistance was extended, rice yields returned to the levels that they were before the flooding, approximately 1.7 tonnes per hectare. In addition, the majority of farmers were able to save planting material for the following season and are independent of hand-outs. Their production capacities were clearly enhanced, and their household food and nutrition securities significantly improved. Additionally, the capacity building in DRM improved the DDMCs' abilities to respond to a future disaster and work towards recovery and rehabilitation.


  • An inception workshop was held in Bo Town for stakeholders;
  • a total of 1 781 flood-affected beneficiaries were identified and verified and provided with seeds to plant on 1 ha for rice and 0.25 ha for vegetables;
  • in Bo district, 490 beneficiaries in seven communities received a total of 19.6 tonnes of seed rice, 26.95 kg of assorted vegetable seeds, 490 hoes and shovels, 490 25 kg bags of diamonium phosphate (DAP) and urea for fertilizer;
  • in Nongoba Bullom (632 beneficiaries) and Kwamebai Krim (381 beneficiaries) chiefdoms of Bonthe district, beneficiaries received 25.28 tonnes of seed rice, 34.76 kg of assorted vegetable seeds, 1 264 hoes and shovels, 632 bags of 25 kg DAP and urea;
  • in the Pujehun district, 281 beneficiaries received 11.24 tonnes of seed rice, 15.45 kg of assorted vegetable seeds and 281 bags of DAP, urea, as well as hoes and shovels;
  • capacity-building meetings were held with the district disaster management committees in all three districts;
  • a disaster risk management action plan was developed and a training course was held to increase awareness about the plan.
Project symbol: TCP/SIL/3506
Project title: Emergency agricultural support to flood-affected households in Bo, Bonthe and Pujehun districts
Contact: FAO Office in Sierra Leone / Jean Baptiste Bahama (Lead Technical Officer)