Resource Mobilization

Supporting Agricultural Growth and Socio-Economic Development in Southern Africa

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat has embarked on the formulation of an Investment Plan for the effective and coherent implementation of a Regional Agriculture Policy. This will ensure the food and nutrition security of people living in SADC member countries, the sustainable utilization of available natural resources, and the effective protection of the environment. Assistance was required, in terms of both technical and management capacity, to develop the investment plan.

What did the project do

The preparation of a costed SADC Regional Investment Plan was successfully carried out, assisting in the effective and coherent implementation of the SADC Regional Agriculture Policy. The project provided SADC Secretariat and its Member States with expertise in translating a policy document into a set of investment priorities, by developing a clear results framework and budget, as well as a set of instruments and measures. This will enable the financing of regional priorities, and the establishment of a regional Agriculture Development Fund. The assistance provided by the project contributed to SADC being better able to support its Member States with investment planning for both men and women who represent the bulk of small-scale farmers in the region.


The support provided by the project contributed to enhancing sustainable production, productivity and competitiveness; improving regional and international trade and access to markets of agricultural products; enhancing private and public sector engagement and investment in the agricultural value chains; and reducing social and economic vulnerability in the context of food and nutrition security, and the changing economic and climatic environment.


  • Results Framework produced, with outcome and output indicators, and quantified targets.
  • Budget prepared, using an output-based budgeting methodology.
  • Capacity building provided to SADC Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources team, in order to prioritize and cost proposed interventions.
  • Main instruments for implementation of the Regional Agriculture Policy Investment Plan identified.
  • Regional Agriculture Policy implementation modalities designed, including a set of seven financial facilities regrouped under a proposed SADC Agriculture Development Fund.
  • The above-mentioned products were presented and discussed through consultations with partners and stakeholders in September and November 2015, and April 2016.
  • Specific Agriculture Development Fund operational guidelines developed.
  • Regional Agriculture Policy Investment Plan formulated, covering a six-year period (2017 2022), which was approved by SADC Ministers of Agriculture in November 2016.
Project symbol: TCP/SFS/3502
Project title: Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Agriculture Policy (RAP): Support with the development of a SADC RAP Investment Plan (2016–2020) in articulation with National Agricultural Plans in the Region and under the auspices of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Plan.
Contact: FAO Sub-regional Office for Southern Africa / Alberta Mascaretti(Lead Technical Officer)