Resource Mobilization

Supporting Mongolia's National Programme for Food Security Under South-South Cooperation

The food and agriculture sector of Mongolia lacked the technical capacity required to implement national agricultural and livestock policies and programmes. There was a need for expertise to strengthen capacity in farming technology, practices and local expertise, above all in livestock breeding, animal feed, horticulture and vegetable production, beekeeping, aquaculture, poultry production and honey sectors to improve beneficiaries’ farming technology, production, practice and knowledge. The objective of the project was to support the implementation of the National Programme for Food Security, the National Mongolian Livestock Programme and other agricultural policies aimed at enhancing agricultural production and food security and nutrition in Mongolia, through the fielding of South-South Cooperation experts and technicians from China.

What did the project do

Demonstrations and capacity-building activities were carried out in each of the above areas. In the livestock and animal husbandry sector, trials of artificial insemination and embryo transfer were conducted. To improve animal feed production, new varieties of annual and perennial fodder crops were demonstrated for cultivation, and silage-making technology and practices were piloted. With regard to bee farming, the technology and practices for queen bee rearing and management and maintenance of bee colony were introduced to beekeepers. In horticulture and vegetable production, cultivation technologies and practices for new vegetable varieties, and the management and maintenance of greenhouses were introduced and piloted to vegetable farmers. With regard to aquaculture, technical assistance was provided to design an artificial pond. Lectures and field visits on fish breeding were organized. Assistance was provided to chicken farmers in improved technologies and practices of feed supply, infectious disease analysis and control, and the rearing management of chicks and adult chickens.


The technology, technical capacity and production of small-scale agribusinesses were improved as a result of this support and more than 1 000 beneficiaries received direct or indirect support from the project, which has thus contributed to ensuring food security in the country. Achievements in the horticulture sector, in particular, were recognized by the Government, with the head of the Mongolian Greenhouse Farmers Association receiving the nomination for Model Farmer for World Food Day 2016 for her commitment to the development of greenhouses, vegetable production and diet diversification.


  • Training provided to 771 participants in relevant technologies and practices.
  • 1 988 dairy heifers and 594 dams artificially inseminated.
  • 4 358 does of buck semen stored in gene bank.
  • 11 varieties of corn tested.
  • 12.3 tonnes/ha green mass of barley and oats, and 135 tonnes of corn harvested.
  • 135 tonnes of silage made and distributed.
  • A draft of a standard for passive solar greenhouses suited to conditions in Mongolia was formulated and submitted for approval.
  • A study was conducted to find suitable species for research into fish breeding.
  • Honey productivity increased and 200 queen bees reared.
  • New varieties of cucumber, tomato, grape and strawberry tested.
  • Guidelines produced and distributed on “Diseases of Sturgeon Fish” and “Egg-laying Hens.”
Project symbol: GCP/MON/010/CPR
Project title: Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation (SSC) with the People’s Republic of China in Support of the National Programme for Food Security (NPFS) in Mongolia (Phase II)
Contact: FAO Office in Mongolia / Aziz Arya (Lead Technical Officer)