Resource Mobilization

Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in Liberia

Climate change poses a serious challenge to Liberia’s emerging development priorities. In terms of agriculture, major climate-related risks are linked to seasonal changes of rainfall pattern and an increase in rainfall during critical moments in the growing season, leading to reduced crop yields. The Government of Liberia has initiated several policy frameworks to impact the agricultural sector with the aim of revitalizing agricultural activities in order to contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development and growth, and to provide food and nutrition security, and employment. The objective of the project was to promote technological options for farmers that would increase productivity and farmers’ resilience to the negative impacts of climate-related changes. As a result of the project, the resilience of eight piloted rural poor agriculture-dependent communities in two counties was boosted and their vulnerability to climate change reduced.

What did the project do

The project piloted a farmer field school (FFS) initiative to promote technological options for farmers that increase productivity and provide a buffer against the negative impacts of climate-related changes, as well as increasing the competence of extension systems to provide farmer education that responds more effectively to local resources and conditions. Following a needs assessment, the project established eight FFS structures (four in each county) in Bong and Grand Gedeh. Each structure consisted of 25 farmers disaggregated by sex. Of the initial 200 participants, 101 completed the activity, with more than half of the participants female. The resilience of the eight piloted agriculture-dependent rural poor communities in Bong and Grand Gedeh counties was boosted and their vulnerability to climate change was reduced through the FFS approach. Four piloted innovations were successfully tested and found to be socially appropriate adaptive measures. The project also provided inputs in the form of hand tools, seed, cuttings and integrated pest management materials.


The project successfully piloted four innovations to enable farmers in the pilot counties and beyond to become more resilient to climate change. With regard to one of these innovations -improved soil fertility -initially sceptical farmers in Grand Gedeh County witnessed the significantly improved yields of rice produced on a project demonstration plot. One of the farmers, Joe Morris from Tian Town, successfully replicated the innovation on his own land. Households in his community have now used the same approach on an abandoned field of over 20 ha, with Joe transferring his newly found knowledge to his colleagues.


  • Baseline needs assessment conducted in Bong and Grand Gedeh Counties.
  • FFS curriculum adapted to local context and facilitators trained.
  • Eight FFS structures established (four in each county) for 200 farmers
  • Tools, seeds, cuttings and IPM materials procured and distributed to farmers.
  • Community awareness sessions held to transfer knowledge of successful innovations.
  • Two sites monitored to assess FFS activities and farmers’ adoption of innovations.
  • Six community outreach sessions held to non-pilot districts to apply adaptive measures, involving 170 farmers.
  • Monitoring trips made to two non-pilot districts.
  • Meetings held with local and national stakeholders in Bong and Grand Gedeh.
  • Local adaptation planning and mainstreaming workshops held and county development steering policy roundtable meetings facilitated.
  • Climate change farmer network set-up workshops held with all FFS participants.
  • Two market opportunity identification workshops held for farmer-based organizations.
  • Six local non-governmental organizations identified and training provided to 18 participants (33 percent female) to establish and facilitate FFSs in their counties.
  • Two FFS concept promotion activities adopted at local community, district and county levels.
  • At national government level, FFS approach promoted to mainstream climate change adaptation planning into county development planning process.
Project symbol: UNTS/LIR/018/GEF
Project title: Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change by Mainstreaming Adaptation Concerns into Agricultural Sector Development
Contact: FAO Office in Liberia / Stephan Baas (Lead Technical Officer)