Movilización de recursos

Improving Food Security for Households in Afghanistan

In spite of significant reconstruction efforts, Afghanistan remains ravaged by three decades of devastating war, natural disasters and population growth, which have contributed to rampant poverty and food insecurity. Although almost half of rural households own and cultivate some land and more than 64 percent own some sort of livestock or poultry, yields are far below the regional averages, while agricultural production is at the mercy of climatic conditions. The transformation of traditional subsistence production systems into a dynamic, modern agricultural sector depends on the widespread introduction and use of new knowledge, technologies and practices.

Resultados obtenidos

The project sought to build the capacity of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and other organizations to provide the necessary support to the vulnerable and food insecure farming households. The chronic lack of reliable information on household sources of livelihoods, demographics and coping strategies was also tackled, as this has had a direct impact on the quality and effectiveness of appropriate interventions and targeting. Given the gender imbalance in Afghanistan’s agriculture sector, targeted efforts were made towards female farmers and female-headed farm households.


The project’s integrated approach facilitated direct support to some of the most vulnerable households, but also allowed for institutions to be strengthened and coordination facilitated among different entities. Sharing of the project’s lessons with national stakeholders and reflecting them in new programmes and initiatives will strengthen food and livelihood security for the households most in need. A major success of the project is that farmers are now equipped with the necessary financial skills to oversee investments in inputs. As a result of the project’s success, the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has allocated more significant funding from its own budget to roll out the approach to other provinces of Afghanistan.


  • Census survey of the target districts conducted, providing much needed information on issues such as demographics, food security status, natural resources and agricultural practices.
  • Training material (manuals and pedagogy) developed for Training of Trainers courses. Training on group formation and livelihood provided to 222 farmers in the districts of Bamyan Centre and Dehdadi (Balkh).
  • 305 common interest groups established and functioning (129 in Balkh and 176 in Bamyan), benefiting a total of 6 373 people (4 254 men and 2 119 women).
  • 74 farmer field schools established in the target districts, mostly concentrating on wheat production.
  • Mushroom cultivation training for women’s groups.
  • Urea fertilizer, DAP, vegetable seed, apple sapling pullets and poultry feed distributed to the members of the common interest groups in the target districts.
Código del proyecto: GCP/AFG/072/LUX
Título del proyecto: Support to Extension Systems, Household Food and Livelihood Security – Phase II
Contacto: FAO Office in Afghanistan / Aziz Arya (Lead Technical Officer)