Movilización de recursos

Building Economic Ties between Refugees and Kenyan Host Communities

In view of the existing tension and potential conflict between the host community and conflict-affected refugees in Turkana County, Kenya, an improvement in relations was urgently needed. It was noted that support could be given to disadvantaged hosts, linking them to market opportunities offered by the refugee situation, to the benefit of all concerned. The project sought to enable host communities to supply fresh produce (primarily vegetables and animal products) to the camp as part of the fresh food voucher component of the World Food Programme’s General Food Distribution and provide support to ensure that increased income from vouchers was used to improve food security and ultimately nutrition.

Resultados obtenidos

The project targeted the most vulnerable members of both communities – households that have dropped out (or are on the verge of dropping out) of pastoralism and the most vulnerable refugee households. As a result, the host community's income and capacity to sustainably supply wood fuel to the refugee community was strengthened.


The capacity to produce charcoal in an environmentally sustainable manner was enhanced for ten groups. In an area suffering significant economic tension, the project laid the foundations for finalizing a sustainable charcoal production certification process and for the formation of sustainable charcoal producers’ associations. The strengthening of commercial exchange between hosts and refugees has the potential to improve long-term food security and resilience.


  • Ten charcoal-producing steel ring kilns were produced locally in Kakuma and ten groups – comprising 309 members (98 male and 211 female) – received training in sustainable charcoal production.
  • 8 610 kg of charcoal were produced and are ready for market or have been sold to refugees.
  • Two studies were also successfully conducted – a study on Safe Access to Fuel Energy and an analysis of the charcoal value chain in Kakuma.
Código del proyecto: MTF/KEN/084/MTC
Título del proyecto: Innovative cash voucher program to create market linkages between refugees and host communities
Contacto: FAO Office in Kenya / Edward Kilawe (Lead Technical Officer)