Movilización de recursos

Making Better use of Forest Resources in Uganda

Uganda has been monitoring its forest resources through mapping and forest inventories since the 1990s. However, the approach and frequency of data generation needs to be improved if the country is to construct a reference level compliant with the principles of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Efforts were also needed to assess forest cover change in the country.

Resultados obtenidos

The project produced a national Forest Reference Emissions Level based on historical data analysis of forest emissions and forest area change that was compliant with the principles of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and adjusted for national circumstances. Activities focused mainly on building the capacity of the National Forestry Authority, allowing it to update the data needed to construct the Reference Emissions Level, in particular land use/land cover statistics and estimation of carbon stocks in forests. Training was also provided in new mapping techniques, modern forest inventory techniques and data management, while specific equipment was provided for mapping and inventories.


Mapping and data collection for forest resources has improved significantly as a result of the project, as has the capacity of technical forestry staff to obtain the data needed. The transfer of knowledge and technology has considerably strengthened Geographic Information Systems in the country, as well as remote sensing capacities.


  • Forest Reference Emissions Level produced, through the following key activities.
  • Forest definition concept paper developed, forming a basis for estimating emissions resulting from deforestation and degradation.
  • National scale chosen to reduce the risk of displacement of activities.
  • Reporting in the initial submission of the Reference document focused on carbon pools (e.g. biomass above and below ground, carbon stocks in soils) and gases (such as CO2 and CH4).
  • Technical evaluation carried out to decide on the most appropriate data in terms of carbon stocks and forest cover and forest cover change statistics.
  • 15-year average historical emissions/removals chosen for calculation of Forest Reference Levels.
Título del proyecto: Implementation of a National Reference Scenario and Inventory of Forest Resources for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation-plus (REDD+) Readiness in Uganda
Contacto: FAO Office in Uganda / Rebecca Tavani (Lead Technical Officer)