Movilización de recursos

Strengthening Food Security in Ghana

Rice is an important food staple in Ghana and is consumed in almost every household. The country's production of rice satisfies between 30 and 40 percent of the demand, while the deficit is sourced through imports and makes up a significant proportion of the import bill. In order to reduce the amount of imported rice, it is critical that the rice industry increase yields, capacities and marketing skills of stakeholders and integration among rice farmers, processors and traders. This project aimed to strengthen these factors to significantly increase domestic production and improve food security in Ghana.

Resultados obtenidos

Guidance, training and technical support were provided to enhance and commercialize the rice value chain through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). This was achieved by linking small-and medium-scale farmers with a strategic commercial rice producer (Prairie Volta Limited) to improve the economies of scale and the farming processes. The capacities of farmers and organizational staff were built in training courses on group management and sustainable and modern rice cultivation. The project also made provision for the cultivation of 160 hectares by beneficiaries through providing land, inputs and technical support to operationalize the business model.


The establishment of PPPs created a business model that improved beneficiaries’ access to quality agro-inputs at a reasonable cost, built technical skills and management capacity and facilitated access to markets. Over 90 percent of the beneficiaries, that is about 120 beneficiaries, were resourced with agro-inputs to cultivate 160 ha using modern rice production technologies with expected yields of between 2.9 tonnesand 3.5tonnes per ha. As a result of an increase in rice production, earnings will increase and livelihoods of the beneficiary farmers will be improved, which in the long-term can lead to improved food security.


  • A viable and workable Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model set out the institutional arrangements among farmers, the commercial entity and Ministry of Food and Agriculture and their respective roles and responsibilities.
  • The capacity of 138 smallholder farmers and eight Ministry of Food and Agriculture staff was built in modern rice production using Prairie Volta Limited facilities.
  • A 8-month fully residential theoretical and practical training programme in modern rice production was designed for 18 college graduates using Prairie Volta Limited facilities.
  • 120 beneficiaries were trained in a three-day workshop in group management and dynamics.
  • 102 farmers and 18 graduates were resourced with agro-inputs to sustainably cultivate 160 ha of new rice farms.
  • Four training manuals were developed for the project, and copies of the manuals were printed to train the graduates.
  • A two-day training was held for 10 Ministry of Food and Agriculture staff, two Prairie Volta Limited staff and 18 graduate interns in the use of global positioning system (GPS) survey equipment to enhance skills in farm design and management.
  • 500 pieces of basic tools and personal-protection equipment were provided to farmers to facilitate the adoption of improved rice production technologies.
Título del proyecto: Promoting Sustainable Increase in Rice Production and Productivity of Small-and Medium-Scale Farmers through a Public Private Partnership
Contacto: FAO Office in Ghana / [email protected]