Mobilisation des ressources

Strengthening Vulnerable People's Right to Adequate Food

With the world population estimated to reach nine billion by 2050, there is a significant strain on access to food, which must be increased if food security needs are to be met. Policy makers and government officials should be fully aware of the meaning and significance of the fundamental human right to adequate food, and ways to implement measures aiming at its full realization. There was an urgent need to address the absence of an institutional mandate and the lack of capacity of national stakeholders and resources to effectively protect and promote the right to food. In this context, assistance was provided to Mozambique, Bolivia, Nepal and El Salvador (2011-2015), as well as Cambodia, Senegal and Togo (2016-2017) in the interpretation and implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines, among other tools, from a practical perspective. A wide range of national stakeholders and institutions concerned with the right to food were involved in this process. 


The project implemented the right to food through the promotion of the Right to Food Guidelines and a human rights-based approach in the context of national, regional and global activities, events, knowledge generation, dialogue and partnerships. The support covered the facilitation and support of normative and standard-setting instruments, the provision of technical assistance in policy, legal, institutional and coordination issues, awareness-raising, and the facilitation and promotion of policy dialogue and partnerships (including South-South and at regional level). In the last two years of implementation in particular, the project strove to empower women and to strengthen their role as active beneficiaries in country activities. This was particularly true in Cambodia, Senegal and Togo, where specific studies on gender and the right to food were undertaken.


The project served to build up expertise, create a critical mass, consolidate awareness, enhance the coherence of ongoing policy processes, share experiences and crystalize best practices. The project also generated and distributed a wealth of knowledge, global and country-based documents, publications, studies, reports and tools, which will increase the sustainability and replicability of project activities. The project maximized resources in all countries, ensuring a results-based and multistakeholder approach, which paved the way for positive right to food action in the future. Furthermore, the capacities and institutional strengthening put in place by the project have ensured that the right to food is today more accessible than ever in most of the countries concerned.


  • Strengthening in the capacities of national interministerial institutions, such as Mozambique’s Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition, Bolivia’s National Council for Food and Nutrition and El Salvador’s National Council for Food Security and Nutrition, to act as leaders of normative and policy processes for food security and nutrition and right to food, including at decentralized level.
  • Collaboration with a wide range of international stakeholders, including the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, on three regional expert consultations on the right to food organized in Colombia in 2011, Kenya in 2012 and Senegal in 2013, bringing together more than 150 food experts, parliamentarians and policy-makers.
  • Approval in Bolivia of a new law, policy and programme regulating complementary school meals and fostering a social economy by means of products purchased from local producers.
  • Technical assistance provided to enshrine the right to food in Nepal’s new constitution. Right to food bill and food security policy finalized and submitted to the responsible authorities. A monitoring framework on the right to food was jointly adopted by national institutions, government and civil society organizations.
  • Established partnerships, synergies and coordination with Parliament, the Ombudsman, ministries, civil society organizations and the media for increased participatory policy dialogue in El Salvador. Enhanced capacities to monitor the right to food through institutional and global reports.
  • “Technical Dialogue on 10 Years of the Implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines 2014” attended by almost 200 people, providing an important opportunity to look back at the progress, gaps and challenges in the implementation of the right to food over the previous decade.
  • Studies validated by respective governments to raise awareness and analyse the impact of gender policy processes on the right to food in Cambodia, Senegal and Togo. Trainers trained in Cambodia and Senegal and a network of journalists established in Togo.
Code du projet FAO: GCP/GLO/324/NOR
Titre du projet Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and Good Governance in National Policies, Legislation and Institutions
Contacts: Juan Carlos García y Cebolla (Lead Technical Officer)