
Investing for results

Albanian agriculture and rural areas entered a new stage of development with the country’s application for EU membership in 2010. The project strengthened capacity to implement the EU pre-accession and...
Tilapia is the most consumed farmed fish in the Philippines, with an average yearly consumption of 4.6 kg per person, yet the tilapia farming sector has declined by 35 percent...
As a net food importing country, Saint Kitts and Nevis is relatively food-insecure and vulnerable to extreme climatic events, as well as to global economic shocks caused by increasing food...
Cassava plays an important role in the dietary needs and incomes in many rural communities in the Caribbean. Despite its rich history in the Caribbean region, the development of the...
Agriculture is an important part of the Jordanian national economy. The majority of the rural population in Jordan is involved in agriculture, and many livestock farmers live in areas close...