تعبئة الموارد


27 Sep 2023
A new agreement has been reached between the EIB and UN institutions to increase the impact of multilateral project financing and to introduce a new level of cooperation between international partners. Additional resources for UN agencies will enable them to provide technical assistance and advisory support for EIB-financed projects. Discussions are taking place with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and other UN agencies on joining the agreement at a later stage Cooperation between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and five United Nations institutions will be greatly facilitated...
17 May 2023
The World Bank kick-started the application process to the Pandemic Fund, calling for proposals for an initial envelope of USD300million with a deadline on the 19th of May. The Fund is the direct result of G20 Finance and Health Ministers efforts, pushed forward under the strong leadership of the Italian, Indonesian and now Indian Presidency. Pledges have reached USD 1.7 billion, aimed at providing critical investments to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR) capacities in low- and middle-income countries. Applications are based on country and regional needs, drawn from key national health assessments and place governments in the driving seat....
28 Mar 2022
The past four years marked a time of growth in commitments and contributions to FAO’s Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), the main pooled funding instrument for flexible and less-earmarked voluntary resources in the Organization.
17 Feb 2022
رحّبت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (المنظمة) اليوم بمساهمة قدرها 20 مليون يورو قدمتها ألمانيا في سبيل إنقاذ أرواح وسبل معيشة المزارعين والرعاة الأكثر تضررًا من الجفاف في القرن الأفريقي. وهي مساهمة ذات أهمية حيوية تأتي في وقت حرج استجابةً لحالة الطوارئ الناجمة عن الجفاف.
15 Feb 2022
At the invitation of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which took office on 1 January, FAO Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji briefed delegates of the European Union Member States in the Council Coordination Working Party on FAO Matters (AGRIFAO).
02 Feb 2022
Many artisanal fishers who access coral reefs experience a reduction in their income from fishing – that was reported commonly by the REEFFISH project regional steering committee members during their first two-days meeting, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Comoros.
26 Jan 2022
Now in its third year, the Programme for Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG) is stepping up efforts in 2022 to increase sustainable and inclusive economic development in rural areas of Papua New Guinea. The programme is the largest EU grant-funded programme in Papua New Guinea and in the...
26 Jan 2022
رحّبت اليوم منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (المنظمة) بمساهمة رائدة بقيمة 65 مليون دولار أمريكي قدّمها مصرف التنمية الآسيوي لتعزيز الأمن الغذائي ودعم سبل عيش أكثر المجتمعات المحلية الريفية ضعفًا في أفغانستان.
19 Jan 2022
The Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) recently funded a new Subprogramme on Global Network of Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs. The Subprogramme aims to accelerate the development of digital innovation in the agri-food sector.
12 Jan 2022
وقّعت منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (المنظمة) اتفاقًا مع الحكومة الصينية لإطلاق المرحلة الثالثة من برنامج التعاون في ما بين بلدان الجنوب المشترك بين الصين والمنظمة بشكل رسمي.