تعبئة الموارد


23 Jun 2017
On the occasion of the Solidarity Summit on Refugees (Kampala, 22-23 June, 2017), Uganda, with the support of the United Nations, brought together Heads of State and representatives from national, regional and international organizations, to pledge support and show solidarity to the Government and its people, in their efforts to provide protection and assistance to refugees.  Hosted by His Excellency Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda, and the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, the main objective of the event was to rally international support for refugees, and host communities in the form of donations, investments and innovative programmes. $2 billion are...
22 Jun 2017
The annual consultation meeting between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and FAO took place on Wednesday, 21 May, at FAO Headquarters in Rome. FAO highlighted the valuable support provided by Sida and other Swedish partners to the FAO Programme of Work, particularly to the core funding, humanitarian programmes, and country-level programmes.  FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department presented the results of the Ocean Conference (5-9 June, 2017, New York), and FAO’s role in enhancing SDG 14 (“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”). FAO acknowledged and expressed appreciation...
21 Jun 2017
At the annual consultation of the Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism, FAO presented the 2016 achievements of the fund, which delivered significant results towards zero hunger, food and agriculture sustainability, and rural poverty reduction.  As an innovative mechanism for supporting FAO’s work through unearmarked or soft-earmarked contributions, this multipartner fund was generously supported by Belgium, the Flanders Cooperation, The Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland with some USD 75 million since 2010.  “This fund is a unique instrument that enables FAO to move strategically towards the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”, said Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes.  Partners discussed the 2016 results...
20 Jun 2017
Colombia’s Rural Development Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations signed an 8.7 million US dollar agreement to support the country’s agricultural and rural public policy. The Rural Development Agency (RDA) was created in 2015 with the express goal of improving the living conditions of rural inhabitants and supporting the Peace Agreement through large-scale rural initiatives.
14 Jun 2017
In a meeting on Tuesday, Graziano da Silva and Commissioner Sacko underscored conflicts as a common denominator in areas facing food crises in the continent. "Conflict exacerbates hunger and in many cases hunger and food insecurity to intensify strife and social unrest," the FAO Director-General said.