Movilización de recursos


11 Dec 2017
Rome, 11 December 2017: With the signing of six agreements with FAO, the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) has made a strong statement in support of the global goals to achieve sufficient and safe food for all, to promote sustainable agriculture and food systems, and to conserve and sustainably use natural resources. To achieve these goals, the initiatives covered by the agreements set out to increase responsible investments in agriculture, to control the introduction and spread of plant pests, to introduce sustainable soil management practices globally, and to maintain the diversity of and access to seeds*.  Switzerland has long been...
22 Nov 2017
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and FAO have announced a three-year Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Resiliency  project in South Sudan, to address widespread food and nutrition deficiencies and help communities become increasingly resilient to shocks including conflict and economic and environment-related shocks. More than three years of conflict have made South Sudan one of the world’s most food-insecure countries, with more than half the population facing life-threatening hunger. This project will target households experiencing stress and crisis levels of food insecurity, to prevent them from falling into worse levels of food insecurity—emergency and famine. The project will focus on...
15 Nov 2017
Finding data on where resource partners are investing and identifying common priorities has now become much easier, with the help of a new online tool developed by FAO. The tool has gone live on Thursday, November 23 at 11am CST. Check out To explain more about how AIDmonitor works, we sat down with Vanja Bozic from TCR’s market intelligence team to find out more. Q: What is AIDmonitor? A: AIDmonitor is a new online data tool that makes it quick and easy to extract data on Official Development Assistance (ODA) flows, with a specific focus on agriculture, food security, nutrition and rural development activities. A...
10 Oct 2017
El Canadá es uno de los principales asociados que aportan recursos de la FAO en la lucha contra el hambre. En 2016, fue uno de los diez primeros contribuidores de la Organización. La ayuda del Canadá se ha centrado principalmente en tres esferas prioritarias, a saber: aumentar la seguridad alimentaria, estimular el crecimiento económico sostenible y asegurar el futuro de los niños y los jóvenes, las cuales están en consonancia con los objetivos estratégicos de la FAO. En enero de 2017, durante la reunión del G20 de los ministros de agricultura en Berlín, el Canadá recalcó su pleno apoyo a...
26 Sep 2017
The FAO Country Programming Framework for the Republic of Belarus was signed in a ceremony at the Ministry of Agriculture by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Alla Lomakina and FAO Regional Programme Leader for Europe and Central Asia Raimund Jehle. Read More
25 Sep 2017
25 September 2017, Rome/Brussels - Stepping up their long and fruitful partnership, FAO and the European Commission (EC) held the strategic dialogue meeting and agreed on joint priorities and deliverables for 2018-2020. The decision to intensify joint efforts comes at an important moment in time with both partners sharpening their focus in the areas of food security, nutrition, resilience, sustainable agriculture, ocean governance, all within the context of working together towards the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Since the European Union became an FAO Member Organization, the partnership has been increasing in importance. Both FAO and...
21 Sep 2017
Septiembre de 2017 – El 21 de septiembre, el Ministerio de Agricultura, Bosques y Pesca del Japón y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) cerraron un acuerdo que ayudará a mejorar la evaluación, el seguimiento y la presentación de informes de los esfuerzos realizados a nivel mundial y nacional en materia de forestación, reforestación y conservación con miras a incrementar las existencias forestales de carbono. El proyecto, financiado por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Bosques y Pesca del Japón con dos millones de USD, tendrá una duración de cuatro años. Gracias a él, el Departamento...