Movilización de recursos


15 Feb 2018
Rome – FAO welcomed high level representatives of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, along with the Agence Française de Dévelopement (AFD) and leading research agencies, to discuss common priorities. This was the first strategic dialogue between France and FAO since both parties signed a new framework agreement (2018-2021) last December 2017. The meeting was an occasion to exchange ideas on key focus areas, such as agro-ecology, climate change, biodiversity, rural youth employment, migration, food security and nutrition governance. The delegation, led by Frédéric Lambert, Chef du service Europe et International at France’s Ministry...
15 Feb 2018
The sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture is the focus of an agreement signed here this week by Georgia and FAO.
30 Jan 2018
Tokyo – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Japan have reinforced their commitment to further advance their partnership activities to help countries around the world achieve their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The advances were made during the second Japan-FAO Annual Strategic Consultation meeting in Tokyo, attended by Daniel Gustafson, FAO’s Deputy Director-General for Programmes, and a number of senior officials of the Government of Japan including Misako Takahashi, Director of the Economic Security Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tatsuya Go, Director of International Organizations Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry...
26 Jan 2018
Promoting Serbian agricultural exports, modernizing the country’s water management systems and developing food quality labelling and geographical indication schemes were at the heart of a three-way meeting today in Serbia.
24 Jan 2018
Improved access to finance, better services and inputs for farmers, rural households, cooperatives and other small and medium enterprises in rural areas. These advantages – along with and improved capacities in Georgia’s Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture – are expected to make the country’s agricultural sector more competitive. Greater competitiveness is exactly the objective of a new, Euro 12 million project under the third phase of the EU-funded European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD), implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...