Mobilisation des ressources


16 Feb 2017
FAO is assisting Bolivia in its effort to access financial support for improved water management programs in those areas of the Andean nation that have been hardest hit by prolonged drought. At a meeting here today, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and Bolivian President Evo Morales agreed to jointly submit a technical proposal to the UN’s Green Climate Fund requesting $250 million in support for efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change on food security and rural livelihoods in Bolivia.
15 Feb 2017
FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) today re-affirmed their close collaboration on technical cooperation work in the region during an annual review of the programme.
31 Jan 2017
In an effort to alleviate the challenges that millions of African families face from abject poverty, malnutrition and food insecurity, FAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) signed a new partnership agreement that paves the way for a stronger cooperation in fostering sustainable agriculture.
24 Jan 2017
FAO today hosted a high-level delegation from Japan in a bid to bolster both sides of a strong relationship between the UN agency responsible for fighting hunger and its second-largest donor. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sent a number of senior officials to the meeting, one of a series aimed at crafting a strategic plan for further advancing the key partnership. The broader Japanese delegation underscored the increasingly geopolitical nature of assuring food security and putting agriculture on a sustainable and responsible footing in an era of globalization and border-hopping challenges such as...
23 Jan 2017
Canadatoday announced it will contribute an additional $1 million to international bodies that develop the standards for food safety and plant protection. Lawrence MacAulay, Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, told FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva of the decision while both leaders were in Berlin attending high-level meetings including Sunday's meeting of agriculture ministers from the G20 countries.
08 Dec 2016
Cancun, Mexico - More than 190 countries at a major United Nations conference in Mexico have pledged to step up efforts to integrate biodiversity into the policies of their agriculture, forests and fisheries sectors. On 3 December, countries adopted the Cancun Declaration, named after the Mexican city where the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), known as 'COP13,' is being held. The Declaration represents an unprecedented recognition from the international community that biodiversity protection must involve different governmental and economic sectors and not just environment ministries. At the closure of the COP13 High Level...
29 Nov 2016
Budapest, Hungary – The Director-General met today with Hungarian Minister for Agriculture Sandor Fazekas, on the margins of the Regional Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Europe and Central Asia.
18 Nov 2016
La semaine dernière, la FAO et le Fonds vert pour le climat (GCF) ont signé un Accord-cadre de préparation qui permettra aux pays en développement de s’associer en partenariat avec la FAO pour des activités qui facilitent leur accès au GCF. L’accord a été signé durant la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (COP22) à Marrakech (7-8 novembre 2016) par Mme Maria Helena Semedo, Directrice générale adjointe de la FAO, M. Javier Manzanares, Directeur exécutif du GCF a.i., et M. Ousseynou Nakoulima, Directeur GCF de la programmation par pays. Le Fonds vert pour le climat...
10 Nov 2016
Les projets soutenus par le mécanisme d’appui aux programmes multidonateurs (FMM) de la FAO ont obtenu des résultats significatifs en 2015 comme l’a mis en évidence le Rapport annuel 2015 du FMM qui est maintenant disponible. Le FMM est un mécanisme de financement destiné aux partenaires disposés à contribuer des financements sans affectation ou légèrement réservés. Créé en 2010, le FMM est actuellement soutenu par le Royaume de Belgique, les Pays-Bas et la Suède. Le FMM est un outil conçu pour appuyer le Cadre stratégique de la FAO.  « Le FMM est unique, car il permet à la FAO d’affecter des ressources là...
28 Oct 2016
The Republic of the Sudan has donated $150,000 to support the work of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), a unique international coordinating body for policy issues related to food and nutrition, hosted by FAO. The funds will help CFS strengthen the governance of food security and nutrition in countries of the global South. Following a call for assistance from FAO, a donation agreement was signed between Sudan and the UN Agency, which will administer the contributions through its multi-donor trust fund. The project will be completed by the end of 2017. "CFS needs long term investment by all...