Mobilisation des ressources


19 Mar 2021
Deux projets conçus par la FAO, l'un axé sur l'agroforesterie en Afrique subsaharienne, l'autre sur la gestion de l'eau au Proche-Orient, ont reçu aujourd'hui 80 millions d'USD, ouvrant ainsi la voie à l'amélioration des moyens de subsistance de plus de 250 000 petits exploitants.
18 Mar 2021
The Division for Emergencies and Resilience, the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, and the Kingdom of Belgium co-organized a briefing on the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation (SFERA). As the first and largest supporter of the fund, Belgium provides FAO with the financial means and flexibility to react promptly when disasters strike and to take early action in response to early signs of impending crises, reducing the time between funding decisions and response on the ground.
17 Mar 2021
The United Nations and the Government of Italy announced today that the Pre-Summit gathering for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit will be in Rome, Italy from July 19 to July 21, 2021.
15 Mar 2021
On Thursday, 11 March 2021, the second of five webinar series on “Community Engagement Days” took place. The event was organized by the Dimitra Clubs Team of the Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment (RISE) team within FAO’s Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equity
10 Mar 2021
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) QU Dongyu and Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD, attended a virtual ceremony today to celebrate the last six years of collaboration between FAO and Ireland.