Mobilisation des ressources


27 Nov 2020
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today thanked Members of the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) for their financial support and invited them to strengthen their collaboration with the Organization to transform agri-food systems and build sustainable agriculture, particularly to fight the impacts
13 Nov 2020
Le Conseil d'administration du Fonds vert pour le climat (FVC) a approuvé un financement d'un montant total de 158,6 millions de dollars américains aux fins de trois nouveaux projets conçus par la FAO et devant être exécutés en Argentine, au Guatemala et au Soudan, en vue d'atténuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, de renforcer la résilience face au changement climatique et de lutter contre la déforestation.
05 Nov 2020
L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a lancé officiellement aujourd'hui la Coalition en faveur de l'alimentation, un instrument nouveau et utile dans le cadre de l'action concertée qu'il est nécessaire de mettre en œuvre afin d'empêcher que l'urgence sanitaire liée au COVID-19 ne provoque une crise alimentaire mondiale catastrophique.
19 Oct 2020
On 29 September 2020, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) authorized an exceptional voluntary contribution to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) of EUR 2.8 million. This year, Spain has generously increased its voluntary contributions and broadened the spectrum of international cooperation to support actions that can help alleviate the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable populations. This includes enhancing food security, protecting the livelihoods of impacted farming families, and improving the resilience of rural communities, as well as activities aligned to achieving...
29 Jul 2020
African Ministers for Agriculture have emphasized the importance of ensuring food security and nutrition, and continuing agricultural activities during the response to COVID-19 – including production, marketing, harvesting, storage and value addition. Safe food and nutrition are essential to the health response: in the African context, the COVID-19 crisis is being compounded by a food crisis. This calls for a holistic approach to address public health concerns and ensure food security in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. Urgent, strategic and coordinated action is needed to minimize disruptions in food supply chains in the short-term, and improve the resilience of agriculture production...