Отдел мобилизации ресурсов


27 Mar 2017
Last November, FAO signed a USD 10.5 million grant agreement with the Gates Foundation aimed at strengthening countries’ capacity to collect agriculture and food security data, and monitor the investment-process-outcome cycle leading to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the purpose of promoting agriculture and food security development, the SDGs provide an ambitious and multidimensional plan of action, requiring governments to deliver more effective policies and programmes cutting across sectors and responding to economic, social and environmental challenges.
24 Mar 2017
FAO and Norway have today launched a brand new, state-of-the-art marine studies vessel, among the most advanced of its kind — and the only research ship on the globe that flies the UN flag. Its mission: To investigate some of the planet's least-explored oceans, using cutting-edge technology and sophisticated equipment to help developing countries assemble scientific data critical to sustainable fisheries management and study how a changing climate is affecting our oceans.
10 Mar 2017
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva completed on Thursday 9 March a two-day visit to Egypt aiming at boosting collaboration between the Organization and the most populous Arab Country.  His visit included meetings with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation H.E. Abdel Moneim Al-Banna, the Minister for Investment and International Cooperation H.E. Sahar Nasr, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Sameh Shoukry, as well as the Secretary General of the League of Arab States H.E. Ahmad Abou El-Gheit.
28 Feb 2017
A high-level conference in Belgrade today marks the first stage in a recently-begun four-year commitment on the part of FAO. A project worth US$3.75 million, financed by the Global Environment Facility, or GEF, is directed towards the long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems in Serbia.
27 Feb 2017
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva completed on Thursday 9 March a two-day visit to Egypt aiming at boosting collaboration between the Organization and the most populous Arab Country.  His visit included meetings with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation H.E. Abdel Moneim Al-Banna, the Minister for Investment and International Cooperation H.E. Sahar Nasr, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Sameh Shoukry, as well as the Secretary General of the League of Arab States H.E. Ahmad Abou El-Gheit.
16 Feb 2017
FAO is assisting Bolivia in its effort to access financial support for improved water management programs in those areas of the Andean nation that have been hardest hit by prolonged drought. At a meeting here today, FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva and Bolivian President Evo Morales agreed to jointly submit a technical proposal to the UN’s Green Climate Fund requesting $250 million in support for efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change on food security and rural livelihoods in Bolivia.
15 Feb 2017
FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) today re-affirmed their close collaboration on technical cooperation work in the region during an annual review of the programme.
31 Jan 2017
In an effort to alleviate the challenges that millions of African families face from abject poverty, malnutrition and food insecurity, FAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) signed a new partnership agreement that paves the way for a stronger cooperation in fostering sustainable agriculture.
24 Jan 2017
FAO today hosted a high-level delegation from Japan in a bid to bolster both sides of a strong relationship between the UN agency responsible for fighting hunger and its second-largest donor. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sent a number of senior officials to the meeting, one of a series aimed at crafting a strategic plan for further advancing the key partnership. The broader Japanese delegation underscored the increasingly geopolitical nature of assuring food security and putting agriculture on a sustainable and responsible footing in an era of globalization and border-hopping challenges such as...
23 Jan 2017
Canadatoday announced it will contribute an additional $1 million to international bodies that develop the standards for food safety and plant protection. Lawrence MacAulay, Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, told FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva of the decision while both leaders were in Berlin attending high-level meetings including Sunday's meeting of agriculture ministers from the G20 countries.