

04 Oct 2024
FAO is pleased to announce its strong support for the Pandemic Fund’s recent decision to fast-track USD 128.89 million in funding to combat infectious disease threats, including mpox, across 10 countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. This critical financing will strengthen pandemic preparedness and response efforts, specifically targeting vulnerable communities affected and at high risk of infection by mpox and other emerging zoonotic diseases.
24 Sep 2024
New York - On the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a new framework agreement that will facilitate greater collaboration between the two entities. FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu, and Inter-American Development Bank President, Ilan Goldfajn, exchanged views recognizing the two organizations’ common goals and mandates in support of their respective memberships.  They agreed to bolster joint efforts to assist sustainable development and the fight against hunger in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. The agreement lays the groundwork for...
30 Jul 2024
内罗毕/罗马 — 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与欧洲联盟(欧盟)签署了一项为期四年、价值4700万欧元的计划,旨在增强东非牧民的韧性。 在气候加速变化的背景下,这项名为“东非地区畜牧业及牲畜适应气候变化计划(PLACE)”的倡议旨在发展可持续、气候适应型放牧体系,以应对畜牧业的环境、经济和社会挑战。 粮农组织应急行动及抵御能力办公室主任雷恩·保尔森表示:“欧盟长期以来一直是我们在东非地区的重要合作伙伴,尤其是在增强牧民生计韧性方面。我们对这一及时的计划表示欢迎,该地区的牧场面临日益频繁和严重的气候冲击,自然资源基础逐渐退化,这进一步威胁了牧民的生活方式”。
23 Jul 2024
罗马/朱巴 — 南苏丹政府、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和世界银行加大工作力度,支持南苏丹小农户建设气候韧性,以应对频发的洪水和其他与极端天气相关的灾害。 世界银行通过旗下的国际开发协会出资3000万美元,用于支持南苏丹农民、渔民和牧民开展良好农业实践,学习混农林业和自然资源管理技能。 此举将有助于普及各种气候适应型技术,改善农业生产,包括在洪涝地区种植雨养水稻;引进节能炉灶,减少毁林;开展监测、报告和诊断, 改善畜牧业和动物卫生;鼓励在捕捞后对鱼类进行加工处理;提供灾害风险管理设备,实现早期预警。
16 Jul 2024
松岛/罗马 — 绿色气候基金理事会在韩国松岛举行第39次会议,并于今天批准了经费为5230万美元的马拉维项目,以帮助该国应对气候变化的破坏性影响,强化长期粮食安全。 项目为期六年,由联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)负责实施,旨在通过基于生态系统的方法,在流域和社区层面建设气候适应能力,惠及马拉维农村社区近57.5万名弱势人口。马拉维是联合国认定的最不发达国家,急需资金建设气候适应能力和韧性。 粮农组织副总干事玛丽亚·海伦娜·塞梅多说:“项目将采取全面、包容和创新的方法,帮助马拉维建设气候适应能力,解决气候变化背景下的主要环境和社会经济挑战。我们欢迎绿色气候基金理事会批准此项目,并期待与马拉维的同行合作,通过基于生态系统的全面气候行动,产生切实影响,推动马拉维农业部门转型。”此举有助于在该国落实粮农组织《2020-2031年气候变化战略》和《2022-2025年行动计划》。 
21 Jun 2024
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) this week helped 28 countries to unlock $70 million in financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to address urban sustainability, groundwater management, biodiversity loss, climate change and land degradation. “These initiatives will help to increase the resilience of those on the front lines of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation,” said FAO...
21 Jun 2024
罗马 — 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)发布全新线上信息平台,以人性化、直观的方式将粮农组织各个项目、资源合作伙伴和专题工作领域之间的联系可视化,使公众能够更轻松便捷地了解粮农组织发布的海量项目数据。 全新信息平台的上线充分彰显了粮农组织对保持透明的承诺。用户可以通过平台了解项目资金来源、粮农组织各项工作使用资金的情况以及这些项目如何帮助粮农组织推进《战略框架》明确的计划重点领域并助力实现可持续发展目标。
15 Mar 2024
Rome - Afghanistan is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s (FAO) single largest country programme, where it continues to carry out its operations despite the ongoing political instability. The Organization has over 400 employees on the ground and is present in every one of the 34 provinces in the country. The food security situation remains alarming with over 15 million people or 36 percent of the population...
07 Mar 2024
FAO will support countries and regional bodies to develop proposals in support of national, regional and global efforts in preventing, preparing, and responding to pandemics under the second Pandemic Fund call. Building on the support provided to countries for the Pandemic Fund's first call for proposals and the 12 successful proposals that FAO will help implement in partnership with governments, civil society and other Implementing Entities, attention now turns to...
27 Sep 2023
A new agreement has been reached between the EIB and UN institutions to increase the impact of multilateral project financing and to introduce a new level of cooperation between international partners. Additional resources for UN agencies will enable them to provide technical assistance and advisory support for EIB-financed projects. Discussions are taking place with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and other UN agencies on joining the agreement at a later stage Cooperation between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and five United Nations institutions will be greatly facilitated...
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