

26 May 2020
2020年5月20日,联合国粮农组织(FAO)通过与阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)粮食安全部就农业部门改革项目签署了两项开创性的伙伴关系协议,大大增强了与海湾合作委员会国家的合作,以实现可持续发展目标(SDG)并增强阿联酋的粮食安全体系。 “改革粮食和农业部门,以实现可持续发展目标,加强粮食安全和营养”项目(预算为 3 597 111 美元)和“ 阿布扎比食品控制系统评估和战略分析”项目(预算为217 771美元),旨在通过促进创新、可持续性和能力发展,并按照粮农组织/世卫组织的标准格式评估阿布扎比食品控制体系,为推动阿联酋的可持续发展目标提供一个有利的环境。   更多信息 粮农组织与阿联酋伙伴关系手册 阿联酋国家概况 粮农组织/世卫组织食品控制系统评估工具
19 May 2020
The pandemic will end, the health crisis will ease, but if we don’t protect the livelihoods of millions of people today and the food value chains, we will have to rebuild them tomorrow – at much greater cost, warned FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today at a Congressional Webinar Briefing. The event - The Coming Crisis: Preventing a Hunger Catastrophe amid COVID-19 - was co-hosted by FAO North America and the Alliance to End Hunger with the House and Senate Hunger Caucuses, and highlighted the key findings of the recently released 2020 Global Report on Food Crises. COVID-19 - an...
12 Mar 2020
绿色气候基金理事会今日批准向粮农组织参与设计的项目提供1.19亿美元拨款,该项目旨在提高古巴脆弱农村社区的气候变化抵御力。 该项目将由绿色气候基金和古巴政府共同资助,前者将提供3820万美元资金,后者将提供8170万美元资金,预计将有24万人因此受益。绿色气候基金在今天的日内瓦理事会会议上宣布了这一消息,这是古巴首个得到绿色气候基金支持的项目。 该项目为期七年,旨在通过与5.2万名家庭农民(其中几乎一半为妇女)合作,减少约270万吨温室气体排放,并在3.5万公顷土地上推广农林业做法。
20 Feb 2020
On February 15, FAO and the Adviser to the Prime Minister on Climate Change (Pakistan) Malik Amin Aslam signed a USD 47 million project to help the most vulnerable farmers in the Indus River Basin increase their resilience to climate change. The agreement follows the approval of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) of a grant of nearly USD 35 million. The project stands to directly benefit 1.3 million rural people, including women farmers. Pakistan’s agriculture sector is affected by its arid to semi-arid climate, as well as its dependency on a...
11 Feb 2020