Resource Mobilization


24 Mar 2021
A new report portrays the relationship between FAO and Turkey in a detailed and striking manner. Entitled FAO+Turkey: Partnering for food security and sustainable management of natural resources, the report highlights the growing cooperation between the two partners.
19 Mar 2021
When Alfayo Mayemba went out on a hot sunny day and counted the trees on his farm in Kombi village in Tanzania, he probably wasn’t thinking about saving the planet. He was thinking about whether he’ll be getting better prices when he sells the wood, which is one way he
19 Mar 2021
Two FAO-designed projects, one focusing on agroforestry in sub-Saharan Africa and the other on water management in the Near East, have received $80 million, paving the way to improve the livelihoods of more than 250 000 smallholders.
18 Mar 2021
The Division for Emergencies and Resilience, the FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, and the Kingdom of Belgium co-organized a briefing on the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation (SFERA). As the first and largest supporter of the fund, Belgium provides FAO with the financial means and flexibility to react promptly when disasters strike and to take early action in response to early signs of impending crises, reducing the time between funding decisions and response on the ground.
17 Mar 2021
The United Nations and the Government of Italy announced today that the Pre-Summit gathering for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit will be in Rome, Italy from July 19 to July 21, 2021.