Resource Mobilization


19 Dec 2018
On 12 December 2018, Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), agreed to support FAO projects and programmes over the next four years with SEK 280 million (USD 31 million*). This contribution will bolster the FAO Medium Term Plan 2018-21 and related programme of work and budget, as well as specific programmes designed to enhance the livelihoods of rural women, youth and small-scale fishing communities, and promote the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Sweden committed SEK 148 million to the revitalized phase of FAO’s Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism** (FMM), a pooled mechanism established...
13 Dec 2018
Today, at FAO headquarters in Rome, representatives of FAO met with the Directorate General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the Kingdom of Belgium during the bi-annual, bilateral consultations. The partners took stock of results, challenges, and opportunities, and outlined common priorities for the next two years, building on best practices and good experiences ‘on the ground’. A particular focus was put on strengthening the collaboration with private partners and on innovation. In a results-oriented and constructive meeting, FAO and Belgium covered a wide range of topics, such as: development and humanitarian results achieved in the Belgian Cooperation’s focus countries; multi-partner coordination...
04 Dec 2018
Yesterday, at FAO headquarters in Rome, the Organization launched two new reports, showcasing impact created around the world thanks to FAO’s collaboration with two remarkable partners: Belgium and Sweden. The reports were introduced during a side event of the 160th session of the FAO Council, shedding light on the long-standing, wide-ranging and solid partnership between the Organization and the two countries. The event, which featured interventions by the Permanent Representatives of Belgium, Sweden, Bolivia and Nigeria to FAO, also provided a platform to highlight the importance of multilateralism and flexible funding. “The interconnected nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) makes clear...
25 Sep 2018
The 2017 Results, Partnerships - Impact 2018 Annual Report provides a snapshot of selected key successes achieved by FAO worldwide in 2017, demonstrating key partnerships and sustainable results on the ground obtained thanks to collaborations with FAO Members and other resource partners. The success stories and other information contained in the report demonstrate that only by working together with partners, creatively and effectively, can FAO reach its  goals, in particular the goal of Zero Hunger. Clearly more work remains to be done to mobilize sufficient resources to meet funding gaps related to fighting hunger. Now is a transformative moment for FAO...