Resource Mobilization

FAO and the Republic of Korea review mutual partnership

15/02/2018 - 

Rome - An annual consultative meeting between FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) of the Republic of Korea took place at FAO's Headquarters in Rome to review the ongoing projects supported by MAFRA and discuss priority areas of joint collaboration - including transboundary animal and plant diseases, capacity development and technology.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Gustavo González, Director of the FAO Resource Mobilization Division said "transboundary animal disease is a global issue, and the Republic of Korea's support to FAO's work in this important area is highly appreciated and we count on their continued support in the fight to eradicate plant and animal diseases around the world." 

The meeting with the Korean Delegation, headed by Mr Il-Jung JUNG, Director General of the International Cooperation Bureau of MAFRA, was an opportunity to give an update on the food and agricultural policies of the new administration; capacity development and policy advice on information and communication technology for agriculture; and south-south cooperation projects on the rice value chain. 

Over the past four years, the Republic of Korea has been a valued partner of FAO, contributing more than USD 13 million towards the development of the mariculture sector and rice production in Africa, as well as support to address high-impact animal diseases in Asia and Africa.