Resource Mobilization

Climate change and sustainable development factor large in FAO-France Strategic Dialogue

15/02/2018 - 

Rome – FAO welcomed high level representatives of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, along with the Agence Française de Dévelopement (AFD) and leading research agencies, to discuss common priorities.

This was the first strategic dialogue between France and FAO since both parties signed a new framework agreement (2018-2021) last December 2017. The meeting was an occasion to exchange ideas on key focus areas, such as agro-ecology, climate change, biodiversity, rural youth employment, migration, food security and nutrition governance.

The delegation, led by Frédéric Lambert, Chef du service Europe et International at France’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food, emphasized the partnership between FAO and France, which is enshrined in the international development context, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. “This strategic dialogue has enabled us to go forward on climate, environment, sustainability, nutrition and food security problematics”, said Frédéric Lambert. “I believe that this journey marks a strengthening in this partnership with the aim to fight against food insecurity around the world”.

Climate change remains a top priority in FAO’s programme, as ending hunger is a basic requirement for achieving the global sustainable development goals,” underlined Gustavo González, Director of the FAO Resource Mobilization Division. “This can only be done if we address the challenges climate change poses for agriculture and food security”. Mr González highlighted the leadership of the Government of France and President Emmanuel Macron in the recent One Planet Summit on 12 December 2017. 

FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva signed agreements with three research institutes and Agreenium during the meeting, to intensify joint efforts and develop innovative approaches for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. France is a valuable partner to FAO, ranking ninth in terms of assessed and voluntary contributions to FAO. The in-kind support provided by France through high-level seconded experts is another most valuable dimension of this partnership.