Отдел мобилизации ресурсов

FAO + Belgium. Finding innovative solutions for a hunger-free world

Together we are… responding fast to humanitarian crises, acting early to mitigate the impact of disasters, bridging the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, providing sustainable solutions through innovation, improving food security and nutrition, …and enhancing global food governance.

Recent FAO + Belgium initiatives have worked to…

1 Scale up impact through flexible funding

2 Support populations in restoring food production and stabilizing their livelihoods

3 Tackle the root causes of crises, focusing on risk prevention

4 Provide a pathway towards resilience, recovery and development

5 Increase access to timely agriculture and food security information and tools

6 Foster sustainable and economically viable agricultural production

7 Encourage digital innovation for food security

8 …all while promoting partnerships, transparency and accountability

Thank you, Belgium, for being a proactive and dedicated partner. Only together can we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

