Отдел мобилизации ресурсов

FAO + Turkey. Partnering for food security and sustainable management of natural resources

Together we are…

improving food security and inclusive rural development,
fostering sustainable natural resource management,
building national capacities for sustainable agriculture and forestry,
enhancing global food governance,
… and strengthening the resilience of livelihoods,

With over USD 75 million invested in the last 12 years,
FAO + Turkey initiatives have worked to…
1 Promote more productive, sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems
2 Ensure healthier diets and better nutrition
3 Enhance food safety and living standards for vulnerable populations
4 Strengthen resilience through climate change mitigation and adaptation
5 Restore degraded landscapes and forests
6 Improve the fisheries and aquaculture sectors
7 Manage and combat transboundary pests and diseases
8 Build livelihood resilience for Syrian refugees and host communities

Thank you, Turkey, for being a steadfast partner.
Only together can we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

