South-South and Triangular Cooperation


31 May 2022
31/05/2022 The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), are joining hands, once again, to organize the 2022 Multi-stakeholder Dialogues on urban food systems in the Global South.
20 May 2022
20/05/2022 Rome – In view of upcoming key South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) commitments, the three Rome-based Agencies (RBA) Directors in charge of SSTC met today at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to discuss current and potential joint field collaboration on SSTC.   Anping Ye, Director of the SSTC Division in FAO, opened the meeting, reiterating the importance of mutually beneficial SSTC initiatives undertaken by the RBAs in recent years; and emphasizing how this joint commitment has resulted in further mainstreaming  SSTC. “South-South and triangular cooperation enables countries to pool resources, adopt and adapt these solutions consistent...
11 May 2022
The overall objective of the Centre of Excellence for Social Protection (CEPS), an initiative of the Government of Senegal, in particular the Ministry of Community Development, Social  Equity, is to provide a platform for the exchange and sharing of innovative development solutions, knowledge, experiences, and good practices, and at the same time for learning in the field of social protection and poverty reduction, mainly between African countries in the broader framework of the South-South cooperation.
06 Apr 2022
Two virtual capacity-building training courses on hybrid rice and hybrid foxtail millet were successfully organized by the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division (PST) from 7-28 March 2022, in collaboration with two Chinese specialized institutions. The trainings brought together about 40 participants from six African countries namely the Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Namibia and Nigeria.  The first capacity-building training course on hybrid rice was organized in collaboration with the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center (HHRRC) of China from 7 to 16 March 2022. The training aimed at enhancing the capacity of government officials, researchers and rice experts from the six African...
31 Mar 2022
El documento entregado por la Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación (ABC) a la FAO celebra la trayectoria de 14 años de la alianza entre Brasil y la FAO en la región.