Cooperación Sur-Sur y cooperación triangular


28 Apr 2017
28 April 2017, Bissau: From 24 to 28 April 2017, the Government of Guinea-Bissau hosted a delegation of Moroccan experts as part of a mission to formulate a South-South Cooperation (SSC) project as prescribed by the SSC Tripartite Agreement between the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), signed on 28 May 2015 during the official visit of His Majesty the King of Morocco. This collaboration is part of the General Agreement on SSC between the Kingdom of Morocco and FAO for the period 2014-2020, which...
20 Mar 2017
20 March 2017, Mali - Making rice systems more effective, sustainable and productive, in order to increase food security for Malian smallholders, is the theme of the launching workshop of project GCP/RAF/482/VEN, "Partnership for Systems Development Sustainable Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa", held in Bamako on March 16, 2017, within the Department of Finance and Equipment (DFM) of the Ministry of Agriculture. Funded by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the project will support the main producers in the region, including Benin,...
06 Mar 2017
6/03/2017 Catacamas, Olancho- La población infantil de cinco comunidades PECH, del departamento de Olancho, tendrán acceso a una alimentación oportuna y adecuada para satisfacer sus requerimientos nutricionales, informó la Representante de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (FAO) en Honduras, María Julia Cárdenas Barrios. La FAO en coordinación con el Gobierno de Honduras, ejecuta...
28 Feb 2017
28/02/2017 Elaborar políticas diferenciadas de acceso a créditos, construir marcos legales adecuados para cada tipo de agricultura familiar y promover alianzas estratégicas para la producción, transformación y comercialización de los productos de la agricultura familiar son sólo algunos de los principales acuerdos que surgieron del intercambio de experiencias entre agricultores familiares y representantes de los ministerios de agricultura de los...
24 Feb 2017
24 February 2017, Rome – China and FAO today agreed to strengthen further their joint efforts in South-South Cooperation, an increasingly popular initiative that is boosting technical capacity and is promoting the exchange of agriculture knowledge and techniques across a growing part of the developing world. Today’s agreements were announced at a bilateral meeting attended by senior representatives from FAO and China’s Ministry of Agriculture to review progress so far and to approve the work plan for the South-South Corporation Programme for 2017.  In...