التعاون بين بلدان الجنوب والتعاون الثلاثي

Strengthening the Implementation of GIAHS Initiative through capacity development

06/05/2020 - 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) initiative aims to safeguard the world’s threatened agricultural heritage by promoting, at the global level, the identification, conservation and international recognition of remarkable agricultural heritage sites and their associated landscapes, agricultural biodiversity, knowledge systems and cultures. 

The FAO–China South-South Cooperation (SSC) project: Strengthening the Implementation of the GIAHS Initiative through Capacity Development has promoted exchanges of experiences and technical knowledge among over 100 participating countries

The project has implemented a systematic and substantial capacity development programme through global conferences, training courses and seminars. These have focused on sustainable development, the GIAHS Programme’s conceptual framework and implementation, the registration and dynamic conservation of GIAHS sites, and the exchange of countries’ experiences. 

These activities aim to strengthen human and organizational capacity at the global, regional and country levels, especially (but not exclusively) in developing countries, to identify and safeguard heritage sites, and to design and implement dynamic conservation plans for their protection and development.

Key results:

By organizing high-level workshops and training courses in China benefiting over 300 participants from more than 100 countries, the project has given a new impetus to FAO’s GIAHS Programme. Countries are now more aware of agricultural heritage issues, and better equipped for the identification, conservation and sustainable development of their remarkable heritage sites. 

  • GIAHS sites increased by 18 new sites and 6 new countries;
  • 52 recognized GIAHS sites in 21 countries around the world, with potentially many more to follow; and
  • 44 countries are actively engaged in submitting new candidates… 

To read the full factsheet click here.