Coopération Sud-Sud et coopération triangulaire

Panama and Cuba start technical cooperation for the improvement of coconut farming


With the support of FAO, Cuban technicians visit Panama to strengthen coconut production

04/09/2017 - 

Panama, 4 September 2017-  Starting today and for the following two weeks, Panama will host Cuban specialists in coconut production, to exchange experiences and strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) and the Institute of Agricultural Research in Panama (IDIAP), within the context of pest and disease detection and integrated coconut crop management.

Cooperation between Panama and Cuba for the technological improvement of coconut production comes with technical backstopping and support from FAO.

During the mission, specialists from the Higher Organization of Business Management (OSDE Agrícola) and the National Centre for Agricultural and Livestock Health (CENSA) of Cuba, and the authorities of Panama, will exchange information and experiences on the integral management of this crop, for the development of the Coconut Development Program on the Colón Shoreline.

In addition, they will analyze, in conjunction with officials and technicians from MIDA, IDIAP and FAO specialists, the implemented measures for the control of coconut pests and diseases in the country, the needs of strengthening national capacities for coconut cultivation in agroforestry plots, and will conduct a study tour to the coconut plantations in Colón.

In Panama, coconut production is essential for both the economy and nourishment of the coastal populations of the Province of Colón and the Guna Yala Indigenous Region.

As a permanent crop, in the province of Colón, a total of 156 785 coconut trees are reported, 112 000 of which are of productive age.

Within the framework of cooperation activities between Panama and Cuba for the technological improvement of coconut production, MIDA, the Regional Division of MIDA in Colón and IDIAP will be participating, aside from producers and representatives of the private sector, who will be dealing with the promotion of producers and private companies’ articulation, for the sale of items associated with coconut cultivation. 

South-South Cooperation, a new development opportunity

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), South-South Cooperation (SSC) is a mechanism for sharing key development solutions - knowledge, experiences, good practices, policies, technology and resources - among all the countries of the global South at world level, while promoting principles of solidarity and mutual benefit among participants.

South-South Cooperation has proven to be very cost-effective and is considered very relevant among countries that have had more recent experience in tackling development issues in similar socio-economic or ecological zones.

Cuba has been an important partner of South-South Cooperation for FAO not only in Latin America and the Caribbean, but also for other countries.

For more information


FAO Panama

FAO Cuba