Coopération Sud-Sud et coopération triangulaire

Voices from the Field: Personal Stories from the FAO-China South-South

21/12/2020 - 

South–South Cooperation (SSC) is the mutual sharing and exchange of development solutions between developing countries, including knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology and resources. The project in Uganda (Phases I and II) under the FAO-China SSC Programme is among the Programme’s longest and most successful collaborations.

The publication Voices from the field: Personal stories from the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Project in the Republic of Uganda, contains the personal stories of some of the project participants, beneficiaries, and stakeholders. Their stories highlight the personal and community-level effects that the project has created. Their stories will also demonstrate the successes and positive impact of the project in their personal and professional lives, while bringing to light the persistent challenges that can be used to inform future action.

In the foreword of the publication, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu states “This publication collects the touching stories of outstanding food heroes, who have participated in the FAO–China South–South Cooperation Project in the Republic of Uganda. Through their stories, it is possible to see the immediate and long-term benefits of such initiatives at a personal level.”

One of the project participants highlighted in the publication, Loyda Twinomujuni, benefitted from the expertise shared by the team of South-South cooperants from China to expand her female-owned dairy farm. She received trainings on animal health and silage production, which allowed her to more than double her dairy production. Speaking about her business, Loyda said “If it wasn’t for the project, I don’t know where we would be.” As a result of the project, the farm now plans to venture into value addition in the future making yoghurt, cheese and packed milk for the national and regional markets. Additionally, the farm plans to install a solar power system to supply energy to the farm, construct a hay house, install a milk cooler and procure a tractor with its accessories. Loyda and the farm management team have a long-term plan to reduce on the parasites and diseases affecting the animals.

As described in the participant profiles, the project helped the participants in the key areas of FAO’s mission, as represented by the “four betters”: better production, better nutrition, better environment and a better life for the future.