Boosting Potato Production in Lesotho via South-South Cooperation

Rome, 14/02/2025 – A high-level meeting was held between Mr Anping Ye, Director of the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division (PST), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Hon. Thabo Mofosi, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition of the Kingdom of Lesotho. Minister Mofosi was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Thesele John Maseribane, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Lesotho in Italy.
The meeting served as a follow-up to an earlier discussion between the FAO Director-General, QU Dongyu and His Majesty King Letsie III of the Kingdom of Lesotho, which emphasized the critical role of potato cultivation in enhancing food security and improving livelihoods in Lesotho. Both parties acknowledged the necessity of strengthening the capacity of local potato growers to increase productivity and ensure sustainable agricultural development.
During the meeting, the Lesotho delegation and the FAO PST-Director underscored the significance of South-South cooperation in fostering knowledge and technical exchanges. These exchanges are pivotal in helping Lesotho acquire modern agricultural technologies, particularly in the production of high-quality seed potatoes for smallholder farmers and commercial potato growers. The Lesotho delegation reaffirmed the importance of potato cultivation as a key crop identified under FAO’s One Country One Product (OCOP) initiative.
Discussions focused on FAO’s potential role in supporting Lesotho’s agricultural sector through capacity-building initiatives, knowledge sharing, and technical assistance within the South-South and Triangular Cooperation framework.
The meeting concluded with a shared commitment of both parties to strengthen South-South and triangular cooperation, and to work concertedly to enhance technical support, capacity building and innovation in Lesotho.
The PST Director further commended the Lesotho delegation and His Majesty’s strong willingness to ensure that potato growers in Lesotho have access to the necessary technologies and expertise to increase their production and improve their livelihood and income and reiterated his support to assist the country for agrifood systems transformation and the Four Betters.