FAO and China enhancing strategic partnerships through FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme

Rome, 15 March 2019 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of the People’s Republic of China have strengthened their joint efforts to further enhance their strategic partnerships in aligning FAO’s Strategic Objectives with China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”, hence contributing to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). The breakthrough took place in Rome, Italy during the 8th Annual Consultation Meeting of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme (ACM) at FAO Headquarters on 15 March 2019. The 8th ACM was jointly hosted by FAO and China, attended by FAO Deputy Director-General for Programmes, Mr Daniel Gustafson and the Permanent Representative of P. R. China to UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture, His Excellency Ambassador Niu Dun.
At the opening, Mr Gustafson emphasized the close collaboration between FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China and appreciated the positive impacts thus achieved. He especially highlighted that, China, as the first and major country participating in the SSC since 1996, has dispatched over 1 057 experts and technicians to 37 countries to share and transfer Chinese technologies and experiences.
In his responding opening remarks, Ambassador Niu Dun highly commended the remarkable achievements of the FAO-China SSC Programme since its establishment in 2009. He also reaffirmed the desire of the Government of China to further strengthen the SSC Programme to contribute to the SDGs.
The 8th ACM on the FAO-China SSC Programme reviewed the progress and major achievements made by the Programme in 2018. Both parties recognized that, with the successful completion of the Final Review on the Trust Fund Phase I, the host governments expressed their complete satisfaction with the results of the SSC projects implemented in their countries and looked forward to further strengthening the strategic partnerships with FAO and China to achieve sustainable agricultural development. The FAO-China SSC Programme Work Plan for 2019 was also discussed and approved, seven new requests were approved to be funded by the FAO-China SSC Programme to support and strengthen cooperation among the south countries for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal.
The Meeting Minutes were jointly signed by Mr Ridolfi, ADG/PS and Ambassador Niu, with witness of Mr. Gustafson. FAO and China underlined the importance of further reinforcing programme management and project implementation, and exploring new and innovative modalities to meet the diversified demands from the Southern countries.