Сотрудничество Юг – Юг и трехстороннее сотрудничество

Increasing farmers’ rice productivity and sustainability in Ivory Coast

28/01/2021 - 

28 January 2021, Côte d'Ivoire - In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Republic of Korea is aiming to raise awareness about how South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) can strengthen rice value chains, thus supporting farmers’ livelihoods.

Key actors of the rice value chain, such as established representatives from government institutions, academia, development partners, as well as representatives from the private sector, joined forces at a one day inception workshop in Côte d'Ivoire, to discuss the new SSTC project: “Capacity Development and Experience sharing for Rice Value Chains through South-South and Triangular Cooperation” funded by the Republic of Korea. 

“We expect that the development of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire’s rice production technology will have positive impacts on its neighboring countries. Building upon its first phase project experience, there is no doubt that the Government of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire’s enthusiasm and cooperation will continue in this second phase of the project" said, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Mr Yoon, the former FAO Project Coordinator of its first Phase.”

The workshop highlighted gaps to be complemented via SSTC mechanisms and potential synergies to reinforce the upgrading of value chains, including through training of trainers, and exchange of good practices on technologies at different stages of the rice value chains.

Mr. Apporture Kouakou, on behalf of the Minister of Rice Promotion, presented the way in which this new project can complement other existing projects and initiatives in Côte d'Ivoire, particularly in the implementation of the National Rice Development Strategy (SNDR) 2020-2030.

Since 2014, experts from the Republic of Korea have shared their knowledge and technologies with local farmers in Africa and Asia, in order to boost agricultural productivity and sustainability in the rice sector. In this regard, “increasing rice production requires appropriate post-harvest management and the use of suitable mechanization technologies in order to avoid losses and increase productivity.” said Samy Gaiji, FAO representative in Côte d'Ivoire.

During the workshop, participants from the Ministry of Rice Promotion of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Côte d'Ivoire, the FAO Regional Office for Africa , FAO Côte d'Ivoire, FAO Rome and other stakeholders such as ADERIZ, ANADER, AfricaRice, CNRA also shared their views on how to increase the impact of the project.

In addition to the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Republic of Korea will be aiding two other countries, namely the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of the Philippines to strengthen their rice value chains through SSTC modalities. 

FAO’s work on South-South and Triangular Cooperation

FAO has played a pioneering role in championing South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), and more than $370 million have been invested in related projects and activities during the past two decades. 

The successful introduction in many countries of new technologies and knowledge sharing through SSTC  is directly contributing towards achieving, in particular, SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.