Success stories

Cette page contient des éléments qui vont au-delà des nouvelles pour présenter des histoires de belles réussites; entretiens, notes d'amplification, fiches de données...

South-south Cooperation
22 Sep 2015
Malgré les succès récents de l’Amérique latine dans la réduction du nombre de personnes touchées par la faim de 24 pour cent, plus de 49 millions de personnes souffrent de la faim chaque jour. La région produit suffisamment de nourriture, cependant, la pauvreté interdit l’accès à une alimentation nourrissante. Les enfants en particulier sont gravement touchés, puisque une nutrition inadéquate peut non seulement causer des problèmes de santé, mais également réduire la perspective de vie sur le long terme. La faim diminue le développement cognitif des enfants, la performance, la participation et se traduit souvent par l’absentéisme. Lisez plus!
Private Sector
20 Jul 2015
20/07/2015 - Kuehne Foundation and FAO signed an agreement last year to cooperate in supporting rural livelihoods through improved logistics. The combined capacities of both organizations increase the impact of their respective efforts to reduce food losses and waste. Kuehne Foundation and FAO are working together to respond to the increasing amount of crises and emergencies to increase the resilience of livelihoods from disasters. Martin Willhaus, Managing director from Kuehne Foundation reflects on the results of the partnership so far and the importance of boosting public-private partnerships as FAO is doing. Why is enhancing logistics in the agro-food systems so important for...
South-south Cooperation
12 May 2015
Tapping ancient Chinese know-how
Agricultural production and productivity in sub-Saharan Africa remain significantly lower than the global average. There is an urgent need to address the production gap and enhance the adaptive capacity of Africa’s agricultural landscapes, considering the rapidly growing population and changing climate. Interest in enhancing sustainable rice and aquaculture productivity across the continent is at an all-time high. 
Private Sector
09 Apr 2015
09/04/2015 - Since the agreement between FAO and Rabobank Foundation was signed in 2013, the two organizations have made great progress in joint programs in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The cooperation is based on the complementarity of the two organizations. Where FAO has extensive knowledge and experience in agricultural development, the Foundation can provide loans to help small-scale farmers access finances from existing financial institutions in their countries. It can also provide a track record for potential future financing by financial institutions. In addition, both FAO and the Rabobank Foundation have experience in providing capacity building in areas related to...
South-south Cooperation
18 Feb 2015
No one feels the effects of climate change quite like farmers. In Mongolia, the growing season lasts for just 90 days and weather conditions have grown increasingly unpredictable, affecting crop production and, in turn, dietary diversity and nutrition. Malnutrition is high and diets are highly imbalanced.