
International Co-operatives Alliance (ICA)


FAO and the International Co-operatives Alliance (ICA) begin a new collaboration with the shared conviction that agricultural and food co-operatives must be central to any agricultural and rural development strategy. A Memorandum of Understanding that underlines this idea was signed at FAO Headquarters by FAO Director-General José Graziano da [...]

FAO Director-General statement during the Civil Society Forum


Director-General opens the International Food Security and Nutrition Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) meeting that will debate a number of key issues during the annual Committee on World Food Security


Private Sector

The Rabobank Foundation and FAO will share knowledge, innovation and financial resources in Africa in a broad strategy to make a difference in the lives of small-holder farmers and the rural poor. An agreement signed at FAO headquarters, involving our FAO decentralized offices, sets out how the organizations will [...]

Grameen Foundation

Private Sector

Grameen Foundation and FAO will work closely together to enhance smallholder access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services. The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  in Rome also aimed at improving farming innovation [...]

FAO & Civil Society Organizations: Partnering to End Hunger

Civil Society


This short film includes interviews with representatives from civil society and FAO, sharing their views and perspectives on how the Organization collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social movements and member-based organizations in the fight against hunger and poverty. The film will [...]

A conversation with Indigenous Peoples' representatives

Civil Society

Indigenous peoples have repeatedly asked for a more systematic dialogue with United Nations agencies. In 2010, FAO released the "FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples", with the objective to provide guidance to the agency's various technical units and encourage staff [...]

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