
FAO China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme supporting Agrifood systems in Cabo Verde

South-south Cooperation

FAO has embraced South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) as a key delivery modality to catalyze agricultural development, food security, rural development, poverty reduction and nutrition over the past two decades. The FAO-China SSC Programme has successfully implemented numerous SSC projects and activities in countries across Africa, Latin America and the [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Stephen Balyejusa

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Gerald Katabazi

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Janet Edeme

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Alex Ariho

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Apollo Segawa

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Uganda

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

South–South and triangular cooperation in agricultural development: FAO’s experiences

South-south Cooperation

South–South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) can play a catalytic role in accelerating progress towards the SDGs. SSTC is at the heart of FAO’s and the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) operations. To further promote the key role of SSTC, FAO and UNOSSC are jointly launching the South-South in Action [...]

FAO-Republic of Korea South-South and Triangular Cooperation project

South-south Cooperation

Since 2020, FAO with the Republic of Korea is implementing a South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) project to enhance rice value chains in 3 target countries: Côte d’Ivoire, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Philippines. The video shows how the 3 target countries are exchanging best practices for improved [...]

South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) in FAO

South-south Cooperation

FAO has embraced South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) as a key delivery modality to catalyze agricultural development, food security, rural development, poverty reduction and nutrition over the past two decades. It has strengthened its support for SSTC since 2012, and the SSTC portfolio has been expanding in line with the [...]