محور المعرفة عن الرعاة
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المزيد من خيارات البحث
نوع الوثيقة
التغطية الجغرافية

The changes and constraints in the economy of the family pastoral economy are modifying the pathways to adult status for pastoralist youth in Chad and Burkina Faso. The study synthesized here focused on, on the one hand, the youth – men born in pastoral environments, who had migrated into towns and cities (Ndjamena, Dourbali, Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso), identified in their migratory network, as witnesses and actors of those changes; on the other hand, stakeholders from public or community institutions concerned by these issues.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة 
Topic: بين الجنسين والشباب, مشاركة, خدمات اجتماعية
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا

Mali is currently facing many challenges due to climate change that is significantly affecting all communities in the country, and agricultural producers in particular. In order to meet these climate challenges, the project aimed at building the capacities of agro-pastoralists in the Banamba, Kita and Niono districts to help them cope with climate change. With the exception of gender, the project strategy is sound and it reached the objective to boost the capacity of Mali's agro-pastoral activities to cope with climate change. A functional interactive community chat created by the project, as well as the Village Savings and Loan Associations set-up, are some of the elements that strengthen the resilience of agro-pastoralists and render project achievements more sustainable.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة 
Topic: تغير المناخ, أمن غذائي, نوع الملكية, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا

This technical report describes the impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) restrictions in the Karamoja sub-region of Uganda, based on field assessments in Amudat, Moroto and Abim Districts. The COVID-19 prevention guidelines that prompted total lockdown measures included market closure and travel restrictions which in turn affected the essential economic activities of many households, especially the poor. These restrictions were implemented in March 2020 and were still in place in August 2020.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: , , الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية 
Topic: الرعاية الصحية, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: شرق أفريقيا

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) originated from an animal source, as have an estimated 60 percent of human infectious diseases. The pandemic emphasizes the need to prepare for, prevent, detect and respond to such diseases in areas where the next pandemic is likely to take hold. The risk is highest where there is close interaction between wildlife and intensifying livestock or agricultural production, and is often exacerbated where agriculture has encroached upon or put pressure on natural ecosystems. Family farmers are most at risk, often women and children, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where medical, veterinary and animal production services are limited and food safety control systems are ill-equipped to prevent, detect and respond to emerging and resurgent zoonotic diseases.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة 
Topic: الرعاية الصحية, مشاركة, خدمات اجتماعية
Language: English
Type of document: السياسات والتشريعات
Geographical coverage: مناطق العالم

In Burkina Faso, the 2017/18 agropastoral campaign was marked by food and biomass deficits, the effects of which were exacerbated by the fragile situation in the country. Since January 2019, insecurity has continued to worsen due to recurrent attacks perpetrated by non-state armed groups, triggering massive population displacements, thus exacerbating the vulnerability of communities further resulting in increased humanitarian needs and significant challenges for the country. Thanks to funding from Sweden, FAO is supporting 18 700 households through various activities (cash-based interventions, agricultural and livestock production support) in order to meet their immediate needs, while ensuring that the root causes of their vulnerability are addressed in order to reduce dependency on food aid.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة 
Topic: أمن غذائي, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا

Two decades ago, legal provisions gave local institutions rights to manage natural resources in four dryland African countries: Mali, Niger, Sudan and Ethiopia. This report examines how resilient such decentralised institutions have been, under the rapidly changing circumstances of the past two decades, and notes common lessons learned.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: المعهد الدولى للبيئة والتنمية 
Topic: تغير المناخ
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: غربية افريقيا, شرق أفريقيا

The Pamoja Voices climate toolkit presents a simple and affordable methodology to identify the climate change adaptation priorities of men, women and young people using participatory learning and action methods. It is intended for use by local governments and community based organisations seeking to understand, represent and integrate local climate priorities into planning.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: المعهد الدولى للبيئة والتنمية 
Topic: تغير المناخ, بين الجنسين والشباب
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: شرق أفريقيا

This study aims to address several gaps including documentation of present-day transhumant pastoralists’ traditional knowledge in use and ethnographic accounts of the current reality of transhumance in practice, grounded in the lived experiences and voices of transhumant herders in Spain. The findings challenge the dominant narrative of the demise of transhumance in rural Spain, showing that transhumance remains a relevant and profitable practice in some regions. The knowledge that transhumant herders create and maintain through active use continues to develop and adapt in response to a dynamic social-ecological context. 

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: كتاب مستقلون 
Topic: التعليم, ابتكار, مشاركة
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: أوروبا