محور المعرفة عن الرعاة
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المزيد من خيارات البحث
نوع الوثيقة
التغطية الجغرافية

As livestock becomes increasingly recognized for its significant contribution to Gross Domestic Product and exports, this report investigates the practice of pastoralism in Sudan. The authors delineate migration patterns, rationales, and market strategies, and offer recommendations for policymakers and service providers interacting with communities that practice pastoralism.

Year of publication: 2016
Topic: صراع, مرونة
Language: English
Type of document: علمي
Geographical coverage: شمال أفريقيا

This document summarizes Hungarian herders’ understandings, knowledge and arguments of their traditional ecological knowledge. It is based on a film produced for Regional Assessment for Europe and Central Asia of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Traditional herders possess a rich knowledge mostly inherited from the family and previous generations, and tested and adapted during their personal life.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: كتاب مستقلون 
Topic: الخدمات البيئية, الإدراك الفطري
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: أوروبا

This article presents the results of interviews done with Hungarian cattle herders and shepherds. This article’s key message is that cattle herders and shepherds with their traditional ecological knowledge, have a significant role in sustaining the ‘functioning’ of nature preserved in cultural landscapes. Herders do have a place in protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity, and contribute a great deal to ensure the natural environment which we have received from our ancestors is handed over to the upcoming generations.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: كتاب مستقلون 
Topic: الخدمات البيئية, الإدراك الفطري
Language: English
Type of document: علمي
Geographical coverage: أوروبا

This article is based on a 15-minute film in which three Sami reindeer herders from the Sirges community, Jakob Nygård, Lars-Evert Nutti and Mats-Peter Åstot, reflect on nature’s functioning and diversity and reveal the knowledge they have acquired from thorough daily observations of reindeer herds and boreal ecosystems.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: كتاب مستقلون 
Topic: الخدمات البيئية, الإدراك الفطري
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: أوروبا

This article discusses the impacts of climatic change on sable hunting for the Evenk, a minority indigenous people of Russia. Sables (a small carnivorous mammal) are mainly hunted for their fur. Climate change leads to specific environmental changes, which in turn creates changes in traditional economic practices, which then triggers socio-economic problems among a population that needs to adapt its hunting techniques. 

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: كتاب مستقلون 
Topic: الخدمات البيئية, الإدراك الفطري, الشعوب الأصلية
Language: English
Type of document: علمي
Geographical coverage: آسيا الوسطى

This picture series is a participatory, inclusive adult education training method for communities and other local level stakeholders in development programmes dealing with yak milk production.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: المركز الدولي للتنمية الجبلية المتكاملة 
Topic: اقتصاد
Language: English
Type of document: تقني
Geographical coverage: آسيا الوسطى

Meet Hajekber Serikbol, a pastoralist community leader in the Western Foothills of Mongolia. They call themselves the "friendship community" and are part of 200-500 million nomadic custodians that take care of our planet, managing rangelands that cover a quarter of the world's land surface. This film is part of the Global Call to Action Initiative, aimed at doubling the global area of land legally recognized as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities by 2020.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: الائتلاف الدولي للأراضي 
Topic: نوع الملكية
Language: English
Type of document: فيديو
Geographical coverage: آسيا الوسطى

As part of the Global Call to Action in Indigenous and Community Land Rights, this brief puts the spotlight on the need to secure land rights for the world’s pastoralists, as pastoralism is practised by an estimated 200-500 million people.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: الائتلاف الدولي للأراضي 
Topic: نوع الملكية
Language: English, Français, Español
Type of document: تقني, السياسات والتشريعات
Geographical coverage: مناطق العالم