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Cross-border livestock trade (CBLT) is an important livelihood activity for many pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the Horn of Africa (HoA). The trade has developed into an informal industry supporting many stakeholders along the value chain: livestock-keepers,
fodder suppliers, ranch owners, itinerant traders, large livestock traders and transporters. This paper examines the CBLT spanning the border between Somali Region of Ethiopia and Somaliland. Specifically, it considers policies and controls shaping the dynamics of the trade in recent years. The study also highlights the competition that Somaliland and Djibouti have found themselves in to become the livestock export hub in the Horn of Africa, as well as clan dynamics.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Future Agricultures Consortium 
Topic: Economy, Land, Organization, Value addition
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Eastern Africa

Rangeland development interventions have been sectoral in their approach. Government departments, aid agencies, and organisations often focus on a particular sector, with patchy and inconsistent integration and coordination. Interventions tend to take place within the boundaries of small government administrative units, which in fact cover only a minor part of the greater rangeland. Therefore, in view of these challenges, an integrated approach to planning in rangelands is called for.

This paper draws together and reviews current and recent experience in planning processes in the rangelands of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. Some “good practice” examples are provided, and key lessons drawn from them, including strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities and principles for future interventions and support are highlighted and provide the basis for a set of recommendations.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: International Land Coalition (ILC) 
Topic: Indigenous knowledge, Land, Participation, Value addition
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Eastern Africa

LEGS provides a set of international guidelines and standards for the design, implementation and assessment of livestock interventions to assist people affected by humanitarian crises. LEGS aims to improve the quality of emergency response by increasing the appropriateness, timeliness and feasibility of livelihoods-based interventions. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: The Sphere Project 
Topic: Conflict, Resilience
Language: العربية, English, Français
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Global

Pastoralists face huge challenges in trying to sell what they produce. This book describes how to improve the markets for pastoralist products and help pastoralists overcome the cycle of poverty. The book focuses not just on pastoralists but also on other actors in livestock value chains, including traders, processors and service providers and development organizations.

Drawing on 15 cases from nine countries, this book identifies four key features of pastoralism in Africa (mobility, extensive grazing, the use of common land, and local breeds). It presents the challenges and opportunities of marketing live animals, meat, milk and leather products. It discusses better ways to ensure that pastoralists have the inputs they need to produce efficiently. It looks at three aspects of the skills and organization needed for pastoralist markets to function. Finally, it makes recommendations for government and donor policies, and discusses the best places for development efforts to intervene in order to improve marketing.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) 
Topic: Economy, Organization, Value addition
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa

This document presents the results of an initiative, begun in 1999, that introduced co-management in four different ecosystems in Mongolia. It was based on the hypothesis that under Mongolian state ownership of pastureland and private ownership of livestock, a co-management system—with clear roles and responsibilities among herders, their communities and local governments—could offer a means to reduce the pasture degradation and overgrazing. The efforts demonstrate that if all stakeholders strongly support co-management it can be a tool to overcome the "tragedy of the commons."

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 
Topic: Land
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Scientific
Geographical coverage: Central Asia

Drawing on research from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania the paper looks at the significance of pastoralism as a productive economy and the positive bearing it has on the environment, wildlife conservation, and on the health and well-being of pastoral communities. The paper also reflects on what is at stake when one form of land use is replaced by another and when customary rules and practices regarding land access, land use, and traditional law are not fully recognised by policy makers.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Individual authors 
Topic: Economy, Land
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Scientific
Geographical coverage: Eastern Africa

This publication presents the availability, access and utilization of crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in West Africa. It contributes to the efforts to strengthen mechanisms to establish and maintain feed assessments in West Africa. National feed assessments in a country build and improve resilience in its livestock production, support the formulation and implementation of livestock policies and programmes for sustainable livestock production, contribute to the use of appropriate feeding strategies, and respond to the impact of floods and drought.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Value addition
Language: English, Français
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: West Africa

This film shows views of pastoralists' representatives on pastoralism as a sustainable form of livelihood. They expressed their views during the Global Pastoralists' Gathering held in Kiserian Kenya from 9th to 15th December 2013.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 
Topic: Organization, Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Global