Pastoralist Knowledge Hub
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This handbook calls for the legal recognition and securing of pastoral mobility as a way of safeguarding and facilitating a continuous stream of economic and social benefits for pastoralists, countries, and the environment. It facilitates a deeper understanding of pastoral mobility through examples and case studies drawn from various parts of the world and identifies considerations to be borne in mind when legislating for mobility.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Environmental services, Organization, Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Policies and legislation
Geographical coverage: Global

The rangelands of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region - which includes the Maghreb and Mashreq, Turkey and other countries of the Arabian Peninsula - are conducive to different patterns of pastoral resource management, due to the prevailing arid and mountainous conditions. Environmental change in the region is quite intense, resulting from population growth, shifts in land use and climate dynamics, and is one of the main drivers of socio-economic and political transformation in the region. The recent history of WANA drylands is one of strained economic development, stressed community networks and degraded ecosystems; the broader implications of the political and economic marginalisation of drylands have significant impacts for the entire WANA region and society.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Individual authors 
Topic: Climate change, Conflict, Economy, Environmental services, Food security, Resilience, Social services
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Policies and legislation
Geographical coverage: Near East, North Africa

Le projet a produit des effets encourageants et tangibles qui laissent augurer que les populations épouseront à l'avenir des comportements et attitudes favorables au dialogue et à la gestion pacifique des conflits. Compte tenu du succès des clubs Dimitra, leur mise en place dans un plus grand nombre de villages permettrait de mettre en place des réseaux qui pourraient avoir un impact sur d’autres types de problématiques.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Conflict, Food security, Resilience
Language: Français
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: West Africa

The purpose of this report is to present the five strategic priority areas for action and developing the regional camel sector in an equitable and climate-resilient way so that it further strengthens rural livelihoods, enables regional food security and produces healthy and high-quality products in animal welfare and environmentally friendly ways. 

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Individual authors, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) 
Topic: Climate change, Environmental services, Food security
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Global

This film describes how three pastoralist women from different parts of the world are restoring rangelands to improve livelihoods, and benefit the greater society and the environment.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 
Topic: Land
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Europe, Eastern Africa, Central Asia

Cette synthèse présente la méthode et les résultats d’une recherche participative menée de chaque côté de la frontière entre le Burkina Faso et le Togo, où les questions de transhumance sont intégrées dans une prospective sur le territoire transfrontalier. Les crises affectant le pastoralisme dans la région subsaharienne depuis quelques années s’inscrivent dans des conflits territoriaux. La méthode innovante de prospective territoriale permet aux acteurs locaux et aux décideurs de replacer le pastoralisme dans le développement transfrontalier et de s’extraire des tensions actuelles en imaginant différents futurs pour leur territoire. Deux questions ont été posées: quels pourraient être les futurs du territoire transfrontalier entre Togo et Burkina Faso en 2035 ? Quels rôles et quelles fonctions pourrait jouer le pastoralisme dans ces futurs?

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Individual authors 
Topic: Conflict, Innovation, Participation
Language: Français
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: West Africa

This guide constitutes a tool intended for actors on the ground in Niger. It aims to contribute to the improvement of pastoral land governance and in particular to the prevention and resolution of conflicts and to the development of inclusive consultation processes. The guide is unique because it is developed in collaboration with one for the breeders in Niger. It will be a concrete tool to help actors resolve conflicts related to access to natural resources at the local level.

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Land
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: West Africa

This is the first publication exclusively focusing on yak wool production and its commercialization, incorporating the socio-environmental narrative attached to High Asia region and its herders communities. A proposal is provided to set the ground for a first regional-level project to build a community-based yak wool production.

The report was produced by IFAD in collaboration with the YURTA Association.

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Individual authors, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 
Topic: Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous peoples, Social services, Value addition
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Central Asia