Centro de conocimiento pastoril
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Securing rangelands is an important ongoing debate because of the complex planning needed for their use and their lack of recognition or protection. The Land Portal Foundation and the Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition facilitated an online debate wherein potential solutions were discussed for making rangelands more secure. This opened up space for dialogue on these issues, helped identify good practice and develop some agreement about what should be prioritised. The summaries of these debates are presented in this paper.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Autores individuales, Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) 
Topic: Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

Les conflits violents impliquant des pasteurs ont augmenté dans certaines régions de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Sahel ces dernières années, réclamant des milliers de vies dans la région.Ces conflits sont principalement entraînés par une concurrence pour la terre, l’eau et le fourrage, mais il y a aussi des facteurs politiques et socio-économiques impliqués.La principale question est de savoir comment ces ressources naturelles sont gérées et allouées.Il est essentiel de se concentrer sur les questions relatives aux droits fonciers et à la gestion des ressources naturelles.Pour promouvoir la coexistence pacifique, une stratégie de communication régionale est nécessaire pour sensibiliser les agriculteurs aux relations et aux moyens des éleveurs.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Comisión Económica para África 
Topic: Conflicto, Tierra, Servicios sociales
Language: Français
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Occidental

Violent conflicts involving pastoralists have escalated in parts of West Africa and the Sahel in recent years, claiming thousands of lives across the region. These conflicts are primarily driven by a competition for land, water and forage, but there are also political and socio-economic factors involved. The main issue is about how these natural resources are managed and allocated. A focus on issues relating to land rights and natural resource management is critical. To promote peaceful co-existence, a regional communications strategy is needed to raise awareness about herder-farmer relations and ways.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Comisión Económica para África 
Topic: Conflicto, Tierra, Servicios sociales
Language: English, Français
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Occidental

GIEWS updates focus on developing anomalous conditions aimed at providing early warnings, as well as latest and more elaborate information than other GIEWS regular reports on the food security situation of countries, at both national and sub-national levels. This update focuses on the elevated risk of deterioration in food security in pastoral areas across the Sahel and the Lake Chad basin. 

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Seguridad alimentaria, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Occidental

There’s evidence that the intensity and frequency of climate-driven natural disasters and conflicts is increasing. Natural disasters now occur nearly five times as often as 40 years ago. Working with national governments and humanitarian, development and scientific partners, FAO’s Early Warning Early Action approach monitors risk information systems and translates warnings into anticipatory actions.

This study analyses the outcomes of early actions implemented in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia in 2017, evaluating how effective they were in mitigating the impact of severe drought on vulnerable pastoralist livelihoods and quantifying the benefits generated through acting early.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

This policy brief highlights the findings from the FAO report Resilience analysis of Karamoja, Uganda. It reveals that the totality of households living in the region reported drought, climatic conditions, pest diseases and high food prices as the most frequent shocks in the Karamoja region where, as a result, strengthening resilience is quite necessary, in all districts and especially in Kaabong, Amudat, Kotido, and Moroto.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Mokoro’s Women’s Land Tenure Security Project (WOLTS) in Tanzania is investigating the state of women’s land tenure security in pastoral areas affected by mining. This report uncovers signifiicant stresses from mining, population growth and climate change as well as violence against women. It discusses possible means to improve gender equity in land tenure governance and secure the land rights of vulnerable people within communities, as well as support to communities to withstand threats to their land and natural resources. It concludes with comparative conclusions that shed light on the intersection of gender, land, pastoralism, and mining in Tanzania today. 

Year of publication: 2018
Topic: Conflicto, Género y juventud, Servicios sociales
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Tenure security has long been a fragile issue in Mongolia, with its legislature containing little guidance on tenure systems and governance of land, and further affected by changes towards a free market economy and rapid urbanization. This leaflet highlights FAO’s work in Mongolia building partnerships with national CSOs in carrying out awareness-raising and capacity development workshops to enhance civil society’s knowledge and understanding of the VGGT; Increase network and advocacy skills to defend their tenure rights and strengthen partnerships for wider application of the VGGT at all levels; and build capacities for effective participation in policy processes related to tenure reform processes and national VGGT multistakeholder platforms. 

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Asia Central