Centro de conocimiento pastoril
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Change in climate and climate extremes are acknowledged as a vital challenge to pastoral production systems. Alternative systems that are accessible to a household in order to make a living could determine the household’s resilience at a given point in time. This study was conducted in the Southern Afar region in Ethiopia to understand the resilience of pastoralists to climate change and variability. 

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Cambio climático, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Pratiqué par des populations vivant sur les parcours et exploitant des troupeaux d’herbivores domestiques, le pastoralisme est une activité agricole de production, une forme d'élevage extensif, qui suppose un rapport étroit entre l'espace pastoral, les hommes qui y vivent et les troupeaux qu'ils exploitent. Quelles que soient les régions du monde le concernant, les animaux conduits sur un mode extensif utilisent les ressources de la végétation naturelle, mais aussi d’autres ressources, fourrages ou aliments concentrés, associées à ce système alimentaire dominant

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos (CIHEAM) 
Topic: Seguridad alimentaria
Language: Français
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

This guide contains advice for communities who have agreed to negotiate with a potential investor. It describes the various sections and clauses that should be in a contract, advises what protective language to include, and warns of “red flag” language to avoid. 

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Conflicto, Pueblos indígenas, Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

This library contains articles, scientific publications, as well as new and updated documents on silvopastoral systems. 

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Economía, Servicios ambientales, Seguridad alimentaria, Innovación, Valeur ajoutée
Language: English
Type of document: Bases de datos
Geographical coverage: Global

’Land Rights in Africa’ site is a contribution to the land rights dialogue and related debates. A library of resources on land rights in Africa – with a particular focus on women’s land rights and on the impact of land grabbing in Africa – the portal has been well received by practitioners, researchers, and policymakers, and has grown considerably over the years. Since 2012, Mokoro has been hosting and maintaining the site.

Year of publication: 2018
Topic: Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Bases de datos
Geographical coverage: Norte de África, África Occidental, África Central, África Oriental, África Meridional

Mokoro’s Women’s Land Tenure Security Project (WOLTS) in Mongolia is investigating the state of women’s land tenure security in pastoral areas affected by mining. This report discusses possible means to improve gender equity in land tenure governance and secure the land rights of vulnerable people within communities, as well as support to communities to withstand threats to their land and natural resources. The report shares findings from Mongolia – a country that is well-known for both its longstanding traditions of nomadic herding and its mining boom over the past two decades. It concludes with comparative conclusions that shed light on the intersection of gender, land, pastoralism, and mining in Mongolia today. 

Year of publication: 2018
Topic: Economía, Género y juventud, Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Asia Meridional

Based on field research, never publicly-seen-before documents, and an in-depth investigation into Tanzania’s land laws, the report reveals how Tanzania’s Maasai are facing appalling levels of human rights abuses in the name of conservation and the promotion of safari tourism in the Ngorongoro and Loliondo regions. The report specifically exposes the devastating impact of two foreign companies on the lives and livelihoods of the Maasai – Tanzania Conservation Ltd (TCL), a safari business operated by the owners of Boston-based high-end safari outfitter Thomson Safaris and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Ortello Business Corporation, which runs hunting excursions for the country’s royal family and their guests.

Year of publication: 2018
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Conflicto, Seguridad alimentaria, Pueblos indígenas, Tierra, Participación
Language: English, Kiswahili
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

A report on a FAO/WFP Crop and Livestock Assessment Mission to Mongolia in 2017, prompted by the prolonged drought from mid-May to end-July that sharply reduced the 2017 crop output and depleted rangeland conditions, raising serious concerns over the impact on livestock ahead of the winter/spring period. It estimates the impact of the dry weather on the 2017 wheat, potatoes and vegetable production; the impact on hay production and fodder supplies for the livestock sector for the forthcoming winter/spring months and; the impact of the drought on households, their coping strategies and contingency plans in view of the coming winter. 

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Asia Meridional