Centro de conocimiento pastoril
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There are several regional policies and programming initiatives of the AU, COMESA, the EAC, and IGAD in East Africa and the Horn of Africa related to pastoralist area development. These regional policies and programming initiatives have influenced the policies and thinking in Uganda with regards to the interventions being undertaken in Karamoja. This paper seeks to review regional policies and programming initiatives in East Africa and the Horn of Africa related to pastoral areas development, and their relevance to the Karamoja Region of Uganda.

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Organización
Language: English
Type of document: Políticas y legislación
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Desertification, insecurity and the loss of grazing land to expanding settlements has led to the southward migration of Nigeria’s pastoralists. This is causing violent competition over land with local farmers. This report analyses the conflict, and recommends some measure for conflict mitigation. To prevent the crisis from escalating, the government should strengthen security for herders and farmers, implement conflict resolution mechanisms and establish grazing reserves.

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Conflicto, Seguridad alimentaria, Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Occidental

Pastoralism is defined by the practice of mobile livestock herding though the term often encompasses pastoral farming and enclosed ranching. While it sounds like an outdated and inefficient way of life, pastoralism is highly dynamic and intricately linked to the modern world in a way that contributes significantly to national, regional, and international markets. But there is little doubt that this lifestyle presents significant health challenges and environmental pressures.

This issue of Currents takes a close look at recent studies documenting these challenges—from disease transmission to coping with water scarcity.  

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international 
Topic: Cambio climático, Seguridad alimentaria, Género y juventud, Sanidad, Servicios sociales
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

Under the jointly funded European Union and ECOWAS “Support to Free Movement of Persons and Migration in West Africa” (FMM West Africa) project, this study was conducted to assess how far and to what effect movement policies, legislation and practices are being applied to transhumant pastoralism and develop recommendations on how ECOWAS Member States – particularly in Mali, the Niger and Nigeria – can improve legislation and policy regarding transhumant pastoralism. This study is set to inform ECOWAS and its member states’ thinking on developing a regulatory framework for transhumant pastoralism in the ECOWAS region that is consistent with the ECOWAS Free Movement of Persons principle and responsive to the substantive changes in this sector.

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Unión Europea (EU), Autores individuales 
Topic: Organización
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Occidental

Newsletter containing updates of activities, events and experiences from among pastoral civil society organizations.

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Género y juventud, El conocimiento indígena, Pueblos indígenas, Tierra, Organización, Participación
Language: English
Type of document: Boletines
Geographical coverage: Global

Several interlinked triggers such as climate change, environmental degradation, lack of resources, and so on, cause large-scale displacement of populations in the Horn of Africa. This may, in turn, trigger conflicts and violence and increase the communities' vulnerability to natural hazards. There is a great need to address the risk and impacts of displacement caused by disasters and exacerbated by climate change. But to be able to do this, governments need baseline data regarding current displacement. 

This report provides such a baseline for the Greater Horn of Africa - Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, plus Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania - with the ultimate aim of reducing future displacement risk. These countries also have a large pastoralist population. The report gives an overview of the scale, scope and distribution of risk associated with suddenonset natural hazards, and explains the methodology used to calculate it.

Year of publication: 2017
Topic: Cambio climático, Conflicto, Seguridad alimentaria, Tierra, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Newsletter containing updates of activities, events and experiences from among pastoral civil society organizations.

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Género y juventud, El conocimiento indígena, Pueblos indígenas, Innovación, Tierra, Organización, Participación
Language: English
Type of document: Boletines
Geographical coverage: Global

The Abyei Administrative Area is a contested zone located on the border between South Sudan and Sudan whose status remains unresolved since the separation of the countries. It is a grazing hub in which both the Dinka Ngok (affiliated with South Sudan) and the Missiriya (affiliated with Sudan) tribal communities interact, sharing natural resources such as grazing land, pastureland and water. However over the past decades, access to natural resources has become increasingly contested, causing ethnic tensions and undermining livelihoods and cooperation between the groups. This report highlights the role that FAO has played in initiating and facilitating a process focused on dialogue and building social cohesion at grassroots level, contributing to wider sustainable peace initiatives. It has done this through the technical delivery of community-based animal health veterinary services in an effort to improve inter–community relations to sustaining peace. 

Year of publication: 2017
Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) 
Topic: Conflicto, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental