En este vídeo nos introducimos, de la mano de la familia Torollo, en el quehacer diario de los cabreros de la Sierra de Gredos. Con esta actividad ganadera de Alto Valor Natural no sólo producen alimentos de gran calidad, sino que contribuyen a mantener bellos y diversos paisajes.
Year of publication: 2015Organization:
Topic: Servicios ambientales
Language: English, Español
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Europa
This video shows some of the main challenges of the Raikas, a semi nomadic community in Rajasthan, India and how ICARDA responds to them. Change of land use, climate change and little social recognition for mobile livelihoods make it harder for the Raikas to find water and pasture.
Year of publication: 2014Organization: Autores individuales
Topic: Cambio climático, Economía, Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Asia Meridional
This film shows views of pastoralists' representatives on pastoralism as a sustainable form of livelihood. They expressed their views during the Global Pastoralists' Gathering held in Kiserian Kenya from 9th to 15th December 2013.
Year of publication: 2014Organization: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN)
Topic: Organización, Participación
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Global
The real measure of success in the work that FAO does, is how effectively they help the most needy to live free of hunger, in better health and with stronger livelihoods. In 2013, FAO worked in north-eastern Uganda to explore how the concept of One Health can be implemented at the community level. This video highlights the work that the FAO team together with villagers, district health, agriculture and wildlife officials, and national decision-makers did to improve delivery of health services for pastoralists and their livestock. They identified brucellosis, a bacterial disease causing human suffering and livestock production losses, and took steps to assist in preventing this disease. Most importantly, the video shows how One Health teams can listen carefully to community members, both in setting health priorities and determining the best ways to help the community to improve their lives and livelihoods.
Year of publication: 2013Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Topic: Seguridad alimentaria, Sanidad, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: África Oriental
See how members of arbale pastoral field school in Borana Zone, Southern Ethiopia are applying knowledge gained to implementing community managed disaster risk reduction action plans for the protection of vast areas of communal grazing lands.
Year of publication: 2013Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Topic: Organización, Servicios sociales
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: África Oriental
Pastoralists and other indigenous livestock keepers have created breeds that are a crucial asset to humanity in adapting to climate change, conserving biological diversity and sustaining food production in harsh and challenging environments. Biocultural protocols are a means of bringing to light the crucial role of communities in conserving indigenous breeds and in maintaining the web of life that depends on them. The film showcases biocultural Protocols highlighting the Raika community of Rajasthan and the Samburu of Kenya.
Year of publication: 2012Organization: , Liga de Comunidades de Pastores (LPP),
Topic: Cambio climático, Servicios ambientales, Pueblos indígenas
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: Global
In this video Maasai elders in Kenya recall the devastation they have seen caused by rinderpest, or cattle plague. For millennia, the virus was a threat to animal health and human livelihoods, until a global FAO-led programme was successful in eradicating it in 2011.
Year of publication: 2011Organization: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Topic: Sanidad, Resiliencia
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: África Oriental
This film is made by Maasai pastoralists, living near Oltepesi in Kenya, in March 2009. It documents the devastating impacts of a seemingly endless drought across the region that killed livestock and people, threatened livelihoods and caused wide-spread suffering to many of the indigenous pastoralist communities. Nomadic pastoralists, like the Maasai, face tremendous pressures on their traditional way of life from other groups, their own government, and now climate change. Yet, their traditions and knowledge make them more adaptable than most.
Year of publication: 2009Organization: Autores individuales
Topic: Cambio climático
Language: English
Type of document: Videos
Geographical coverage: África Oriental