Plateforme des Connaissances Pastorales
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Traditionally, dryland forests and trees in pastoral landscapes have played a critical role in coping with climate variability, particularly in terms of food security and nutrition for local communities.  However, traditional and formal tenure rights for trees in agricultural landscapes or the use of nearby forests may differ and vary to a high degree. Tenure may include traditional collection of various fruits and other NTFPs, but more seldom include the use of timber or even the selling of charcoal. The latter hinders efforts to transform land-use systems to give local communities rights and power to manage their natural resources.

What are the examples of successfully securing right in the dryland forest region? Are there any inconsistences between legal and local recognitions of right for different land user in dryland forest? What options are available there for reconciling the different view and improve the integrated management of forest and livestock?

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) 
Topic: Services environnementaux, Innovation, Régime foncier
Language: English
Type of document: Vidéos
Geographical coverage: Global

This document explores the gender dimensions of cultural practices in the Dehesa region of Spain. Specifically, the report examines the roles, responsibilities, constraints, and opportunities for women pastoralists and women involved in the wool industry.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (IUCN) 
Topic: Services environnementaux
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Europe

Ce rapport répond à des préoccupations croissantes quant à la hausse des conflits entre éleveurs et agriculteurs sur une vaste étendue de l’Afrique semi-aride. Nous y examinons les données quantitatives qui sous-tendent ce constat général et passons en revue les explications avancées dans la littérature scientifique tout en tenant compte de l’héritage problématique que représentent les connaissances produites jusqu’à présent sur le pastoralisme en milieu semi-aride africain. 

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Institut international pour l'environnement et le développement (IIED) 
Topic: Conflit
Language: Français
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale, Afrique centrale, Afrique orientale

Despite the prevailing public narrative that transhumance is a fading practice in rural Spain this paper documents an example of revitalization of transhumance. This study documents that the primary reason for maintaining or taking up transhumance is its relative profitability compared to semi-extensive livestock husbandry. Collecting primary data on the costs and revenues associated with three types of operations (transhumance on foot, transhumance on truck and semi extensive production) the study compared these three operation types. The analysis demonstrates that under most scenarios, transhumance on foot is the most profitable production system and both transhumance systems outperform semi-extensive systems.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Auteurs individuels 
Topic: Économie
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Europe

‘“Business as usual” is no longer an option for a food-secure future. Pastoralism can be an innovative system: a time-tested, undervalued alternative to high-input and resource-intensive farming, and a valuable lesson for the much needed evolution towards ‘farming with nature’, with largely-untapped potential for income growth and employment in marginal areas.

This poster highlights the top 10 benefits of investing in pastoralism.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) 
Topic: Changement climatique, Services environnementaux, Sécurité alimentaire, Services sociaux
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Global

The Land Tenure Journal is published by FAO as a medium for the dissemination of information and views on tenure of land and other natural resources in the framework of the Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) which is a standard for FAO’s work on tenure. The audience consists of people having interest in tenure of land and other resources in its broadest technical, economic, political and social senses. The prime beneficiaries include practitioners and professionals from international and national agencies, central and local governments, civil society organizations and academia. Articles are published in English, French or Spanish. The content of the Journal reflects the versatile priorities of FAO’s Tenure Governance normative and field programs as well as priorities of the Journal’s audience. The Journal aims to present a holistic and politically, culturally and regionally diversified view on tenure of land and other natural resources.

Land tenure journal

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), Auteurs individuels 
Topic: Jeunesse et égalité des sexes, Régime foncier
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale

‘“Business as usual” is no longer an option for a food-secure future. Pastoralism can be an innovative system: a time-tested, undervalued alternative to high-input and resource-intensive farming, and a valuable lesson for the much needed evolution towards ‘farming with nature’, with largely-untapped potential for income growth and employment in marginal areas.

 Two main points are made. First, pastoral systems are emblematic of farming with nature: they have evolved to function with the natural environment and therefore with variability; for this reason, pastoralism has great potential in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals in a climate-change scenario where variability is globally on the increase. Second, pastoral systems have been looked at with the wrong lenses: conventional modelling and economic analysis of livestock production are locked into a view of the animal in isolation from the natural environment, and a view of variability as a constraint.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) 
Topic: Conflit, Services environnementaux, Sécurité alimentaire, Innovation, Résilience
Language: English
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Global

Les changements et les contraintes des économies familiales pastorales modifient les processus d’autonomisation des jeunes pasteurs, au Tchad et au Burkina Faso. L’étude synthétisée ici a ciblé d’une part des jeunes – hommes- nés en milieu pastoral, migrants en ville (Ndjamena, Dourbali, Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso), identifiés dans leur réseau migratoire, comme témoins et acteurs de ces changements; d’autre part des acteurs d’institutions publiques, associatives ou communautaires, concernées par ces enjeux.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) 
Topic: Jeunesse et égalité des sexes, Participation, Services sociaux
Language: Français
Type of document: Technique
Geographical coverage: Afrique occidentale