Центр знаний о пастбищном животноводстве
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This leaflet provides an overview of the Self-evaluation and holistic assessment of climate resilience of farmers and pastoralists (SHARP) tool and how it might be used to help countries fulfill their reporting requirements related to the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework. SHARP assesses smallholders' resilience to climate change and is also useful for monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation in various agriculture sectors. It contributes to SDG 13: "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts".

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Изменение климата, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: English
Type of document: Политика и законодательство
Geographical coverage: Глобальный

This brief reviews how farming, agro-pastoralist, and pastoralist livelihood systems in Darfur are permanently changing in response to these major changes and in the face of ever-increasing pressure on natural resources. We examine these changes by livelihood specialization, describe the different roles men and women play in these changes, and highlight how the changes impact them differently. We also examine how changes in strategies affect the resilience of those strategies and how past strategies have become less effective, driven in part by pressure on natural resources. At the same time, we show how innovations are providing new opportunities to increase production and revenues while sustainably managing natural resources.  

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: , Индивидуальные авторы,  
Topic: Участие
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка
Desde un marco etnobiológico, se estudiaron la dinámica temporal, las prácticas tradicionales y la utilización e intercambio de los distintos productos en la feria. Durante los tres días de duración de la feria, se registraron procesos contextuales y se indagó junto a los diversos actores (caravaneros, vendedores, feriantes y otros) con base en metodologías de observación participante, entrevistas semiestructuradas y diálogos específicos. Durante los años 2015 y 2016, se registraron los arribos de caravanas de llamas, burros y de vehículos.
Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Индивидуальные авторы 
Topic: Организация, Участие
Language: Español
Type of document: Научный
Geographical coverage: Латинская Америка

This report explores the seasonal patterns of acute malnutrition and its key drivers in the Goz Beida Region of Chad. The findings reveal a nuanced and complex seasonal pattern of wasting characterized by two different sized peaks, each likely with different drivers. The primary and larger peak is at the start of the rains and a secondary smaller peak occurs prior to the harvest. This report explores the basic, immediate, and underlying drivers of acute malnutrition within the context of Chad and offers recommendations for programming and evaluation to be better grounded in a seasonal perspective.  

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: , Индивидуальные авторы 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Центральная Африка

After decades of failing development aid, the World Food Programme (WFP) in Uganda has committed itself to identifying innovative approaches to better address food, nutrition and income insecurity in the Karamoja sub-region (referred to as Karamoja) of northeastern Uganda. For this purpose, Development Pathways was contracted to undertake a situation analysis to uncover the underlying causes of food, nutrition and income insecurity in Karamoja, and to generate ideas for innovative social policy solutions and provide recommendations.

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Всемирная продовольственная программа 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность, Инновация
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка

Несмотря на социальный, экономический и экологический вклад, который животноводы вносят в жизнь сообществ, они часто сталкиваются с тем, что их не понимают и лишают возможности участвовать в процессе разработки затрагивающих их мер политики. Ввиду этого деятельность ФАО, помимо прочего, направлена на повышение осведомленности о вкладе животноводов в национальные экономики и местное развитие, а также пропаганду целесообразности управления пастбищными землями и трансграничной мобильности. Деятельность ФАО включает в себя оказание технической помощи, информационно-пропагандистскую деятельность и обмен знаниями.

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Изменение климата, Экономика, Экологические услуги, Продовольственная безопасность, Земля, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: Русский
Type of document: Видео
Geographical coverage: Глобальный

This report presents findings from a community participatory study conducted to determine the seasonality of malnutrition and factors associated with malnutrition among children and women in Laisamis subcounty, Marsabit County. The study was conducted as part of the Livestock for Health (L4H) project. This project investigates the cost-effectiveness of livestock feeding and nutritional counselling during critical dry periods in reducing the risk of acute malnutrition in children below 5 years of age and in pregnant and lactating women (PLW). The L4H project is based on the observed patterns of increased acute malnutrition, associated with decreased milk consumption, among women and children in pastoralist communities

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций, Индивидуальные авторы, Детский фонд Организации Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность, Здравоохранение, Участие
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) developed these guidelines with the overall objective to protect and improve the productivity of the ruminant livestock species of South Sudan. Focussing on the best use of local feed resources, the guidelines mainly target livestock extension workers promoting livestock feed development good practices to pastoral and agropastoral communities as well as the emerging market-oriented smallholder livestock producers. This document also serves as an important tool for advancing the policy and strategic priority actions of the East Africa Animal Feed Action Plan (FAO and IGAD, 2019) and the draft National Livestock Development Policy of South Sudan.

Year of publication: 2021
Organization: Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность, Инновация, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка