Центр знаний о пастбищном животноводстве
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La région du Sahel est confrontée à des crises agropastorales récurrentes et cycliques, essentiellement dues à des sécheresses localisées et une forte variabilité climatique, exacerbées par des problèmes structurels et de détérioration de la sécurité. Ces crises ont des conséquences dramatiques sur les moyens d’existence des populations basés sur l’agriculture et l’élevage et aggravent l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition des familles.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: Европейский союз, Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: Français
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Западная Африка

For thousands of years, mobile pastoralist communities have been moving through the rangelands with their herds in search of pasture and water, making the most of scarce resources. This traditional form of livestock husbandry has persisted over the years because of its well-known interaction with nature. However, the protected areas have become a real threat to the lives and livelihoods of mobile pastoralists in many parts of the world. In this paper, the authors look at the network of Spanish drove roads, with new data on the overlap between these routes, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity. It raises some serious questions for reflection by the protected area community in relation to the practice of mobile pastoralism. From basic human rights issues to acknowledging the services pastoralists provide. Readers are invited to reflect on an issue that is not clear-cut and requires much more dialogue, as well as joint action to mitigate conflict and promote collaboration.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: Индивидуальные авторы 
Topic: Экологические услуги
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Европа

Following the impact of severe drought that decimated pasture, livestock and crops in 2018, the situation of millions of affected families in the Sahel is fragile. If adequate timely assistance is not provided, the food security situation will likely worsen with 9.7 million people projected to be severely food insecure during the upcoming lean season (June–August 2019). Despite overall good availability of fodder resources, access remains difficult in certain areas of Burkina FasoChadMali and the Niger where insecurity persists; in other areas – certain parts of Mauritania and Senegal – fodder resources have been depleted or are very limited.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций 
Topic: Продовольственная безопасность
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Западная Африка

Traditional knowledge of indigenous communities cuts across numerous aspects of sustainability and resilience. However, the practice of traditional knowledge is yet to be adequately understood, with many research gaps confronting policy-makers. An understanding of the interactions of traditional knowledge systems, rooted in indigenous ways of life, cultural approaches and traditional occupations is important. The transformations are being experienced in societies, economies, institutions, technologies and the climate. This publication is a collaboration between the ILO and the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, which draws on recent and emerging research conducted directly with communities across Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas. It aims at sharing experiences gained by researchers and the communities themselves with policy-makers and key stakeholders.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: Индивидуальные авторы, Международная организация труда 
Topic: Изменение климата, Коренные народы, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Глобальный

In the definition of family farmers for the International Year of Family Farmers (IYFF) in 2014 and now for the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–28, pastoralists are mentioned as a group needing specific attention. Despite this recognition, most statements, papers and information about family farmers refer primarily to small-scale crop farmers. As organisations supporting, working with or representing pastoralists, we want to draw attention to the importance of including pastoralists within discussions and interventions in family farming, also within the Decade. Here, we outline: i) the features of pastoralists that identify them as family farmers; ii) the importance of pastoralists for the wellbeing of nations, people and the environment; iii) specificities of pastoral farming systems; and iv) major challenges and emerging opportunities for pastoralists. To conclude, we propose how pastoralists’ issues could be incorporated into policy advocacy activities during the Decade.

Year of publication: 2019
Topic: Экологические услуги, Продовольственная безопасность, Социальные услуги
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Глобальный

In the definition of family farmers for the International Year of Family Farmers (IYFF) in 2014 and now for the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019–28, pastoralists are mentioned as a group requiring specific attention. Despite this recognition, most statements, papers and information about family farmers refer primarily to small-scale crop farmers. As a group of organisations supporting, working with or representing pastoralists, we want to draw attention to the importance of including pastoralists within discussions and interventions in family farming, including within the Decade.

Year of publication: 2019
Topic: Экологические услуги, Продовольственная безопасность, Социальные услуги
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Глобальный

How best to secure land tenure for pastoralists is an ongoing challenge for governments, practitioners, lawyers, academics, and communities themselves. As a result, pastoral lands continue to be encroached, divided, and lost whilst mobility of people and livestock is blocked. This webinar describes innovations, successful practices and lessons learned from the presenter’s 15-year work on pastoral land tenure and governance. It mainly focuses on how research and technical support to governments, if used as an entry point can lead to policy impacting results.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: , Международный научно-исследовательский институт животноводства 
Topic: Земля
Language: English
Type of document: Технический, Видео
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка

Most pastoralists’ in Sub Saharan Africa are adversely affected by climate-change related shocks such as droughts and livestock diseases. These shocks lead to deterioration of livestock quality and even mass death of herds. This leaves pastoralists vulnerable as they derive most of their food and income needs from livestock, necessitating emergency disaster response and the need to build their long-term adaptive capacity. In most cases however, investments only focus on reducing risks and not on building long-term adaptation strategies. This study analyses the factors affecting household resilience among the pastoralists of West Pokot County in Kenya.

Year of publication: 2019
Organization: Индивидуальные авторы 
Topic: Изменение климата, Быстрая восстанавливаемость
Language: English
Type of document: Технический
Geographical coverage: Восточная Африка