
The COVID-19 pandemic has gone beyond the ambit of health to impact all areas of social relationship, community bonding, traditional practices, occupations and economy. The unprecedented nationwide lockdown has most affected communities that already had a precarious livelihood. Pastoral communities have suffered much during this lockdown. This prompted ActionAid Association to undertake a small study to find out how.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 经济, 医疗服务, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 南亚

This report presents findings for a five-country study conducted by Mercy Corps in May and June 2020. Mercy Corps monitored livestock systems in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan to understand the interplay of diverse market forces as influenced by COVID‑19 mitigation measures, as well as seasonality, locusts and Rift Valley Fever (RVF). This study focused on live animal, meat and milk value chains originating in the ASAL areas as well as major domestic and export consumer markets. Information was collected through existing programs and augmented with key informant interviews. This report aims to fill knowledge gaps and offer recommendations to support coping and recovery.

Year of publication: 2020
Topic: 经济
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

This study provides an overview of the roles that the biodiversity found in and around food and agricultural production systems play in the supply of ecosystem services ranging from provisioning services, such as the supply of food, fuel and fibre, to cultural services, such as recreation and aesthetic enjoyment, and regulating services, such as pollination, carbon sequestration, pest control and nutrient cycling. 

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 联合国粮食及农业组织 
Topic: 环境服务, 食品安全
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

Between 2016-18, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Somalia collaborated with the NGO Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA) and developed a project entitled “Supporting communities in Somaliland to ‘make Prosopis make money’ through Cash-For-Work (CFW) and small business development”, in Berbera, Odweyne and Toghdeer districts of Somaliland. This project was a component of the Joint Programme on Youth Employment (YES) between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and United Nations (UN). It aimed to create entrepreneurial and employment opportunities for women and youth to efficiently manage Prosopis pods by processing them into animal livestock feed supplements and charcoal. Moreover, the project established and fostered livestock feed processing cooperatives by creating market linkages.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 联合国粮食及农业组织,  
Topic: 环境服务
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

As the world population continues to rise, new ways are needed to sustainably increase agricultural production, improve supply chains, reduce food losses and waste, and ensure access to nutritious food for all at all times.

This brochure includes the contribution of genetic resources for food and agriculture to food security and to the achievement of relevant sustainable development goals.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 联合国粮食及农业组织 
Topic: 环境服务, 食品安全
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

In recent years, pastoralism has increasingly become associated with violent conflict. In the Sahel, pastoralism-related insecurity is directly linked to macro-level conflict dynamics in contexts with UN peacekeeping missions, including Mali, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Abyei, and South Sudan. However, the UN system has been slow to adopt a coordinated response to this phenomenon. This issue brief provides a preliminary overview of peacekeeping missions’ efforts to mitigate growing pastoralism-related insecurity in their areas of operation. It analyzes six missions that are active within or near the Sahel region. After framing pastoralism-related security, it explores how the Security Council has addressed this issue in mission mandates. It then looks at how missions have tried to address pastoralism-related insecurity and how they can leverage partnerships with other actors as part of a multi-stakeholder approach. The paper concludes that while peacekeeping missions are not the primary means for addressing the multidimensional drivers of pastoralism-related insecurity, they can help mitigate risks, including through political and logistical support to other actors. Together with these partners, peacekeeping missions should leverage their comparative advantages to help address pastoralism-related insecurity in the Sahel.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 冲突
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲

This brief reviews and updates the generally accepted conceptual framework of drivers of acute malnutrition in Africa’s drylands, where emergency levels of global acute malnutrition stubbornly persist. The revised framework preserves the immediate and underlying drivers of acute malnutrition and recognizes the synergism between them. More fundamentally, the updating reconceptualizes the basic more systemic drivers of acute malnutrition to include three interlinked areas: i. environment and seasonality; ii. systems and institutions; and iii. livelihood systems.

Year of publication: 2020
Topic: 食品安全, 参与, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 北非, 西部非洲, 中部非洲, 东部非洲, 南部非洲

Le faible taux de scolarisation et de formation professionnelle des éleveurs pastoraux s'ajoute à leur marginalisation et justifie une approche spécifique de l’intégration de la jeunesse pastorale. L’étude dont ce rapport est issu a analysé le contexte institutionnel des jeunes migrants issus de milieux pastoraux et leurs perceptions publiques au Burkina Faso (Février 2019 à Ouagadougou, Mars 2019 à Bobo Dioulasso et Dori). Le rapport traite trois questions principales: la perception publique des migrations vers les villes et des jeunes issus de milieux pastoraux ; les services existants ciblant ces jeunes (formation professionnelle, scolarisation, soutien à l’inclusion sociale et/ou économique) ; les actions potentielles d’inclusion économique et sociale des jeunes migrants d’origine pastorale.

Year of publication: 2020
Organization: 联合国粮食及农业组织, 发展方法研究与应用研究所 
Topic: 性别和青年问题
Language: Français
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲